Tuesday, April 12, 2016

gymnastics update

Last week I decided to ask Rowan's instructor what class level I should be registering her for for summer...she is currently in Flips 3 (a recreational class). She said I should put her in Flips 4, and that they aren't really moving girls up right now because of the Spring Fling coming up in May. I then decided to ask if she thought she would be a candidate for a Flipshots class (an advanced class that they have to be asked to be in...) she said yes! So tonight she trialed a flipshots 2 class (with her same instructor from flips 3...and friend Brooklyn!)
Rowan did great in the trial class, so they said to put her in Flipshots 2 for the rest of the school year and then do Flipshots 3 for summer. After Flipshots 3...they can try out for team the following spring! Gymnastics may not end up being a forever thing for Rowan because of her height, but it'll be fun for her to be able to learn more faster now! She was there one day a week for an hour and 25 min...now FS 2 is once a week for 2 hours...but FS 3 will be twice a week for 2.5 hours each day.

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