Saturday, April 30, 2016

Amanda's Bridal Shower #2

Today, I threw a bridal shower for my sister, with the Knutson family and friends in attendance. We gathered at the Delafield Brewhaus from 1030a-1p for Brunch and Bubbly! There were 28 people in attendance and all went very well!
Here are some décor pictures!
Amanda and Julie
Amanda, Rowan and Alayna
We played 2 games. One was a questionnaire about the bride and groom...and another asked Amanda questions that she had to match Peter's answers! And when she was wrong she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth...Rowan loved the torture.
The ladies in the wedding party! Tiffany, myself, Amanda, Lizzie, Sarah, Alayna and Rowan
After the shower, we headed over to the Tetzlaff household to visit and meet Colter! The kids played and played!
And Colter got snuggled and spoiled!
He is such a precious little boy! So glad we got to hog him for a couple hours...mainly just me.
I could totally have another one...but we are good with our healthy monsters.
Don't get me wrong...I will hog him every minute I can!
After our visit with the Tetzlaff's, we headed back to Nana and Papa's to feed the dogs and let them out before heading out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Knutson, Amanda and Peter, Jay and Tiffany, Ron and Toni. Was a large party with great company! After dinner we headed back to see Nana and Papa as they just returned to MI! Busy weekend!

Friday, April 29, 2016

1st trip in the Explorer

Man was it nice packing up the truck for a trip back to WI and having so much extra room! Gizmo almost didn't know what to do with all his space in the back. But of course he would have liked to be up closer to us!
The kids got me started taking silly pictures like this on our ride...
We arrived at Nana and Papa's house around 530pm. We unpacked and grilled some dinner before planning a last minute get together with our old neighbors and friends on Goldfinch Way! So fun! And so glad they were all available to hang out with us for a few hours.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Rowan wanted a new picture for her wallpaper on her Ipad...and she wanted it taken while in a handstand. Quite creative!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

completely normal eat the marshmallows last when eating lucky charms, right?! At least for Ed and I, it was normal as a kid!

Monday, April 25, 2016

my eyes

I had an eye doctor appointment today because I am in need of more contacts and it has been over a year since I've been seen. And clearly I had my eyes dilated...which I have had done many times before! But never do I remember not being able to read for hours afterwards. I couldn't use my phone at all, couldn't read texts or emails, and barely dial a number. It was quite annoying...but of course it went away and life went on.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

hat trick time

Eddie had his second hattrick of the spring league today. I find it interesting, because when I hear of kids scoring a lot of goals, I expect a puck hog that's all over the ice. And while Eddie improves daily, he isn't really that show off kid. But he does happen to squeeze more goals in than I would have expected.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

family fun

We spent the majority of our Saturday outside...the sun was shining, as always, the wind blowing, but we made the most of it. Hudson was totally into playing hockey, or getting in the way of hockey with Eddie. He loved the shopping cart and balls...and trying to get into the road!
We ate a lot of animal crackers this weekend too...I think we turned them onto a new Costco product.
Julie and I decided to take them over to the Oneka park for a bit too...and made it home just before the rain started!
After a long day outside, it was nice to sit and relax a bit in the house when the rain came. The kids wished that Hudson would stay forever. They apparently had fun playing with him and sharing their things with them! Sadly they will be on their way home tomorrow morning!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Our IL family is here!

I spent the last couple days doing some painting...probably not the best timing! Oh well. I got it done before our visitors arrived. Since I painted the entire main floor, the grey cedar chest blended into the wall, so I decided to paint it a dark grey. And I also decided to do the top of the kitchen table as well.
How cool is this skin!? For Christmas I got something called Baby Feet from my sister in law Julie. It is a product that she enjoyed. It is a pedicure treatment...booties that you put on your feet for an hour, and then 3-5 days later the dead skin starts falling off. Needless to say, I did the treatment about 4 days ago...and here comes the skin. It is so awesome...because I love picking.
Onto our visitors! Ed picked them up from the airport this afternoon about 2pm! So they were here before 3pm! We enjoyed the afternoon and evening outside showing Hudson a good time.
He was not too sure about Eddie driving the Jeep.
But he was definitely into the kids toys this visit.
The Hot Wheels garage was money!
Wasn't a late night for any of us...Rowan read Hudson a few books, and he tried reading to her too. Then it was off to bed. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

kindergarten gathering

Tonight was a Kindergarten gathering at Hugo Elementary School. We got to tour the school, see Kindergarten classrooms, try out the cafeteria line for some healthy snacks, sign up for an August evaluation, etc.
Was a brief visit...but hard to believe he will be here full time in the fall. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

in the thick of it

Eddie's team got rolled over by some 1st grade girls today...but they hung in there big time. Glad to see a smile on his face still after the game.

Monday, April 18, 2016

is this normal?

Geese on the rooftop? Jess just a few days ago mentioned how she kept seeing these geese on a house down the street, and this morning, they were on her house! So had to snap a picture to send her. They were very loud and annoying...but this was way before the time Jess wakes up, so she had no idea they were there.