Thursday, July 31, 2014

Most of the Goldfinch Kids...

We played with our neighbor friends at Cushing Park in Delafield. Then we had a picnic lunch before heading to Holy Cow for a cold treat. Was a delicious and fun time.
Holy Cow Ice cream...
After dinner we headed to the Fireman's park to play a bit, but Rowan wasn't feeling the best so it was short lived. I think it was a day full of fun and sun.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On the truck...

Everything will be on the truck by the end of today, and we will be sleeping at Nana and Papa's house. The kids smiled in their Oconomowoc gear, thanks to Aunt Karen.
They sure are cute in purple and long as it isn't Vikings.
More good news on the MN home front. Deck is complete and the sod and trees have been delivered.
The kids had a good day with Grandma Julie. Then we headed to Nana and Papa's for the night. Wouldn't be complete without a popple in the jets.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

United packing day...

Well, the day has come, the movers are here packing all of our stuff today. The end of another chapter in our lives only to start a new one in Minnesota.

Monday, July 28, 2014

deck progress

Ed was back in MN today...and had good news that the deck was well on it's way. Therefore closing shouldn't be a problem next week. Time will tell.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eddie's 1st and Rowan's 2nd Brewer Game

We had a pair of our weekend series tickets left before we move, so we decided to buy another pair of tickets close so that we could take the kids to a Brewer game at Miller Park before we left WI. Was a success. We sat part of the game separated with the kids going back and forth. Then the couple next to Ed and Eddie decided they would switch with us, which was nice. We did the whole experience...tailgating, playing catch, ice cream and cotton candy. Etc. Kids had fun and Rowan didn't want to leave but Eddie was getting squirrely, so it was time to go by about the 6th inning. \

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Edelweiss and limo

We had an evening on the town with our neighbors, and it was great! We even managed a limo thanks to the Ross family who had an outstanding voucher that they were willing to share.
So we took the limo downtown for a dinner cruise on the Edelweiss. All you can eat tacos and margaritas for 1.5 hours on a boat. Then we had time for a drink afterwards before the limo would take us back to Oconomowoc for a fire in the neighborhood. Due to the excessive drinking on the boat and afterwards, we didn't last very long. But man did we have fun.
Ed and I on the Edelweiss...
The ladies...but the men's reflection might be more priceless...
And my phone had a rough night. I had left my phone sitting on a ledge on the boat and someone spilled their drink on my purse which in turn wrecked my phone. Off to the store tomorrow for a new one. Darn!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Last Kiltie trip...and rehab

So, thanks to my friend Carolyn, I found this wonderful lady on facebook that refinishes furniture. I'm sad I found her so close to us moving, because she did some great work for me. The first piece I took her was the cedar chest that my Grandma Audrey gave me. It has been sitting in our basement for the last year because the color of the chest just didn't work with my décor. But I had her refinish and distress it a grey color and now it is awesome in the living room. We also had her do 2 end tables that were in our living room as well. Now they are antique white with even more distressing. But more tolerable for us.
I also bought from her 2 dressers and had 2 other end tables done for Eddie's room. Loving her work.
One last time of getting each and every toy out of our garage to play with. We sure had the prime location for playing for all of the kids.

Then for dinner tonight we headed with all our close neighbor friends to the Kiltie to eat and have ice cream. The weather could've been a bit warmer, but it didn't seem to bother the kids.
Or the adults...Wood, Smith, Bonnett, Ross and Kowieski families all represented.
We have been so lucky to have such great neighbors and friends. Sure will miss them all.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

bike wash and friends

We started the day with washing the car and it continued to the bikes. They sure were squeaky clean.
Then we got to spend some time with our friends since our time here in Oconomowoc is limited.
Apparently Rowan doesn't care if the ground it rock hard. Bathing beauty.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ross fun...

Got to play in the sun and water this afternoon with Will and Hailey. Nothing better than cooling of on a hot day.
 And it wouldn't be right if we didn't have popples on a hot day either. Our neighbors will forever remember us for 'popples'!

Monday, July 21, 2014

last night of t-ball

Even though Eddie didn't love going to t-ball every Monday...he has come a long way. He was the most willing to do things tonight than he has been the entire summer. Rowan was by his side to help him if he was hesitant. But I am very proud of him for how far he has come. Hopefully next year he will be more into it. It was a good stepping stone for sure.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

fair and ice cream...

We headed to the fair before lunch today to watch Breyson, Sawyer and Ainsley show their pigs. And then the boys did the sheep rodeo too. And it wouldn't be the fair without some food and rides too. We had some fried vegetables, shaved ice, hot dogs, chicken wrap, watermelon, cream puff and water. Tried to throw a little health in there. And we did a few rides, even one as a family. Eddie was a bit scared on the tilt a whirl. Guess we got it spinning too fast for him.
This morning, Nana alerted us that it was National Ice Cream Day, so after the fair we met Nana and Papa at BerrySimple to celebrate the day. Was a delicious idea.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Xmas in July

This afternoon we headed over to the Swan residence for the Hanson family Christmas in July. Was a pool party...but really only the kids swam, with Ed and Colin. It was a little steamy outside, but just too late in the day and not quite hot enough for me to get in.
We played a few games of washers. The kids played with their cousins and friends. There was lots of catching up and filling people in on our upcoming move. Lots of good food to eat and a few beverages.
The annual scrooge gift exchange went well. As always a few gifts were much sought after, and others weren't. We ended up with some cutting boards and new knives. Pretty good grab actually.
Then at dusk we had a fire and some s'mores. Then, due to an absence of napping, we were on our way home far to late. Kids were asleep before we were out the driveway practically.

Friday, July 18, 2014

s'more fun...

We had a fire in our driveway after playing with our friends at the park tonight. Wouldn't be complete without s'mores. Yummy.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

bribery and the beach

I haven't been using my camera hardly at all lately. So I bribed the kids to let me take their picture tonight. And then I took them to the Chocolate Factory for ice cream. Well worth it. To capture their cuteness.
Earlier today we took Gizmo for a walk, and met the Bonnett family along the way. We stopped to play with them after our walk and let Gizmo run with Ruby for a bit. He got tired quick and wanted nothing to do with her puppy self.
Then we met them at the beach for awhile. Owen does swim lessons like Rowan and Eddie did in June. Eddie was having a moment, so he isn't in the picture. This was at the end of our visit so we were heading home for lunch. Explains the moment he was having a bit.