Sunday, June 10, 2012

weekend alone

Somehow Ed got to spend the weekend without the rest of us golfing....I guess turning 30 allows that, but only this one time.

The kids and I didn't sit home and sulk though, we were gone all weekend. We dropped Gizmo off at Karen and Doug's house to be spoiled for the weekend, and it is one less thing for me to be responsible for on my own!

After a quick and delicious homemade fish fry by Doug, we were on our way to the high school to watch Uncle Mitch graduate. It went better than I had thought, but Eddie pretty much didn't want to sit still. So I spent most of the time walking around with him. We were there long enough to watch Mitch walk across the stage though. Once it was over, it was back to Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house for bed.
(this is the only picture I have from graduation, waiting for some pics from Grandma)

Saturday was spent in the pool most of the day. And both kids loved it. It was rather hot out so the cold water didn't bother most of us too much. I think the kids were in the pool earlier than anyone has ever been in that pool. Hard to keep these kids indoors.
 When both kids were up from their naps in the afternoon, we were off to my cousin Jordyn's Graduation party. That was a bit more difficult being there without Ed. Trying to be in 2 places at once just isn't easy. And of course the kids couldn't stay in the same place at the same time. And I felt bad by the end of the night constantly asking someone to keep an eye on one while I chased the other, or whatever. But we survived. No one got hurt and no one got lost. Another late night and then back to Grandpa and Grandma's for bed.
Sunday Grandpa had to get in the pool (doesn't normally happen for him when it is this cold still) because the kids wanted to swim, and I was helping and participating in Casey's bridal shower that took place at their house. I did sit out with the kids in the morning for a bit, but then Grandpa took over for awhile until the shower started. Then they all got out. Rowan got to help Casey open presents. And we had a delightful lunch. And before I knew it, we were on the road home. The weekend went so fast. Luckily they slept pretty well at night, Rowan did anyway. Eddie was in bed with us both nights from about 3-7am. But we got a few hours of sleep.

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