Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rocketship Park

Today we were invited to join our neighbors to play at the 'Rocketship' Park. Josh likes to go to this park and we had never been there. Rowan had fun. We were there before lunch time, and then when lunch hit, it got rather busy. So we headed home for lunch then. It is a really big play structure that is for 5-12 year olds. Rowan did fine on it, but it was hard to keep track of her. And there really wasn't much for Eddie to do other than the swings. He couldn't even climb up the steps to get onto a slide because they were tall steps. It was another toasty day anyway, so the hour or so of playtime was enough. We did walk over by the river for a bit too where it was shady and a bit cooler.  

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