Friday, June 8, 2012

new friend

Rowan and Eddie got to play with a new friend today. A girlfriend (Jess) from work came over today with her daughter (Sloane) to play. Of course, it was toasty out, so we got the pool out, and the water table, and the popples, and even the wagon. So the kids played outside for most of the time. We had some lunch, played inside for a bit, and then it was off for nap. Except, the nap sort of backfired today. Was planning to leave for Pewaukee after naps today, but neither of them napped. So we left napless, hoping for napping in the car. And it too was few and far between. Gonna be an interesting night.
Sloane will be 2 in September. She was just starting to warm up to the kids just before it was time to go, so we will have to play again soon.

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