Thursday, June 14, 2012

15 Months Old

15 Month Stats:
Weight: 25 pounds (62nd percentile)
Length: 32 inches (82nd percentile)
Head: 18.9 inches (74th percentile)

At this point, we are still taking 2 naps a day. Still drinking milk from a bottle mostly, but uses a sippy cup but not enough. Wearing 18 month clothes, size 4 shoes. Eats just about anything. Loves his fruits and vegetables, and pizza too. But really doesn't turn anything down. Isn't sleeping through the night 100% and seems like it will never happen. But doesn't eat in the middle of the night, just requires a couple minutes of rocking/snuggling and back to bed he goes. Has 11 teeth total, one more molar to come. Only uses a nuk for sleeping, car rides and when he is really crabby/whiney.  He really is a happy guy most of the time. His sister sure knows how to make him mad though!
Can't leave out big sister, especially when she is willing to look at the camera and smile.

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