Saturday, June 30, 2012

To the lake...

All packed up and on the road around 830am this morning. Conover here we come! We've been ready for this little vacation for awhile. The kids are gonna love it.

It took our canvas bag on top as well as most of the trunk to get everything in. But we are ready to go. Gizmo is spending the week with my Mom's cousin Grace in Oak Creek. So he will be well taken care of. We arrived around 1pm, and that is only because we had several potty stops and then we stopped for lunch too in Eagle River. Eddie just couldn't be in his seat any longer. When we arrived we were just able to get into our cabin, so we unpacked and then headed to the water to swim and cool off.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

road trip

We took a little road trip to Nashotah and Mukwonago today! We had to visit Nana so she could alter my bridesmaid dress for next week as well as Eddie's tux pants. So we stopped at her house for that. Then we went out for a quick lunch before heading to Mukwonago to swim with Breyson and Sawyer. We swam for a bit, had a snack inside, and then we were on our way home for swim lessons. Busy day on the road, but fun had by all.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rocketship Park

Today we were invited to join our neighbors to play at the 'Rocketship' Park. Josh likes to go to this park and we had never been there. Rowan had fun. We were there before lunch time, and then when lunch hit, it got rather busy. So we headed home for lunch then. It is a really big play structure that is for 5-12 year olds. Rowan did fine on it, but it was hard to keep track of her. And there really wasn't much for Eddie to do other than the swings. He couldn't even climb up the steps to get onto a slide because they were tall steps. It was another toasty day anyway, so the hour or so of playtime was enough. We did walk over by the river for a bit too where it was shady and a bit cooler.  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Thursday

Eddie was showing off his abilities today...climbing on Gizmo's chair, waving goodbye, doing 'so..big', and living on the edge crawling around on Giz's chair.
Rowan actually smiled for us today too.
 After swimming lessons tonight, Karen and Doug arrived! They are watching the kids tomorrow while I work. And they brought Papa Murphy's pizza for all of us. Rowan and Eddie even got a build your own pizza, so Rowan made her very own pizza. Eddie will make his for lunch tomorrow I think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

garden progress

Lots of green growing but nothing to pick yet.

1st cone of the summer

...and definitely needed to be eaten outside!

Monday, June 18, 2012


It's been quite awhile since I have gotten a good picture of these two together. So it is very rewarding now that I have a few new ones. And, it makes me feel better about the money I spent buying a sensor cleaning kit for my camera. I haven't been using my DSLR camera because my sensor has been needing cleaning and it isn't easy to get to the camera store alone. So I have been using either my phone or point and shoot. I can never get Eddie's scrunchy face in a picture, so here it is!

My new favorite!
And they loved hanging out upside down!  
Here are the outtakes...still cute.
And another cute one to end with!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

rain, ugh...

Well, we went to Lyndon Station this weekend, with plans to go boating. But mother nature had different plans for that idea. Therefore, Ed and Grandpa Bill got to go out fishing for a few hours Saturday before it rained, but ended up coming in before lunch due to the rain. On a positive note, Ed caught a walleye, almost 16 inches long, a keeper! We grilled that up for dinner.
But no boat time for the rest of us. Guess we will have to wait for the 4th of July week to do that. Instead we did some shopping, and playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Played in some puddles, did some swinging, Rowan rode on the 4-wheeler, many times (Eddie was afraid of it), and of course Eddie mowed lots of things. It was a nice little weekend. We were on our way home before lunch on Sunday so that we could get some things done at home.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

15 Months Old

15 Month Stats:
Weight: 25 pounds (62nd percentile)
Length: 32 inches (82nd percentile)
Head: 18.9 inches (74th percentile)

At this point, we are still taking 2 naps a day. Still drinking milk from a bottle mostly, but uses a sippy cup but not enough. Wearing 18 month clothes, size 4 shoes. Eats just about anything. Loves his fruits and vegetables, and pizza too. But really doesn't turn anything down. Isn't sleeping through the night 100% and seems like it will never happen. But doesn't eat in the middle of the night, just requires a couple minutes of rocking/snuggling and back to bed he goes. Has 11 teeth total, one more molar to come. Only uses a nuk for sleeping, car rides and when he is really crabby/whiney.  He really is a happy guy most of the time. His sister sure knows how to make him mad though!
Can't leave out big sister, especially when she is willing to look at the camera and smile.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

weekend alone

Somehow Ed got to spend the weekend without the rest of us golfing....I guess turning 30 allows that, but only this one time.

The kids and I didn't sit home and sulk though, we were gone all weekend. We dropped Gizmo off at Karen and Doug's house to be spoiled for the weekend, and it is one less thing for me to be responsible for on my own!

After a quick and delicious homemade fish fry by Doug, we were on our way to the high school to watch Uncle Mitch graduate. It went better than I had thought, but Eddie pretty much didn't want to sit still. So I spent most of the time walking around with him. We were there long enough to watch Mitch walk across the stage though. Once it was over, it was back to Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house for bed.
(this is the only picture I have from graduation, waiting for some pics from Grandma)

Saturday was spent in the pool most of the day. And both kids loved it. It was rather hot out so the cold water didn't bother most of us too much. I think the kids were in the pool earlier than anyone has ever been in that pool. Hard to keep these kids indoors.
 When both kids were up from their naps in the afternoon, we were off to my cousin Jordyn's Graduation party. That was a bit more difficult being there without Ed. Trying to be in 2 places at once just isn't easy. And of course the kids couldn't stay in the same place at the same time. And I felt bad by the end of the night constantly asking someone to keep an eye on one while I chased the other, or whatever. But we survived. No one got hurt and no one got lost. Another late night and then back to Grandpa and Grandma's for bed.
Sunday Grandpa had to get in the pool (doesn't normally happen for him when it is this cold still) because the kids wanted to swim, and I was helping and participating in Casey's bridal shower that took place at their house. I did sit out with the kids in the morning for a bit, but then Grandpa took over for awhile until the shower started. Then they all got out. Rowan got to help Casey open presents. And we had a delightful lunch. And before I knew it, we were on the road home. The weekend went so fast. Luckily they slept pretty well at night, Rowan did anyway. Eddie was in bed with us both nights from about 3-7am. But we got a few hours of sleep.

Friday, June 8, 2012

new friend

Rowan and Eddie got to play with a new friend today. A girlfriend (Jess) from work came over today with her daughter (Sloane) to play. Of course, it was toasty out, so we got the pool out, and the water table, and the popples, and even the wagon. So the kids played outside for most of the time. We had some lunch, played inside for a bit, and then it was off for nap. Except, the nap sort of backfired today. Was planning to leave for Pewaukee after naps today, but neither of them napped. So we left napless, hoping for napping in the car. And it too was few and far between. Gonna be an interesting night.
Sloane will be 2 in September. She was just starting to warm up to the kids just before it was time to go, so we will have to play again soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Casey and Quinn

Casey and Quinn came to visit today and spend the night with us. We spent time outside in the pool and playing in the water table. Quinn was introduced to a few firsts while visiting. She had her first 'popple', first time in a swing, first time eating whole pears (not pureed).
Rowan and I got our hair done by Casey. We went out for dinner! Eddie and the ladies. Then we came home and went for a walk. The littles in one stroller and Rowan got to ride solo! Which was her choosing!
Then, of course, community bath time. 3 Monkeys in the tub!
It was an eventful, fun filled day. Wish we could do it all the time. But we will take what we can get right now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

water and sand...bad combo

Of course we can't be outside and in one thing or another. We have to try them all, therefore sitting in the sandbox soaking wet sounds like a good idea. Oh well, guess we just have to go back in the pool to rinse off. Summer fun!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

silly hair, progress, bff

Progress....of the garden.
Silly hair...bottom left picture. That's what Rowan calls this new style of hers. And Eddie's best friend...the bubble mower. He is seriously obsessed with it. Don't even try to touch it! And the minute he steps foot in the garage, he bee lines for the mower. You have to peel his fingers off of it to take him inside.