Friday, May 18, 2012

Mulberry Lane Farms

Today was Rowan's field trip with preschool. We went to the farm. She had such a good time. She was very excited for the day, and I think it exceeded her expectations. The bus was so exciting for her too. First time on a bus! We had to sit by her friend Haylee, but she wouldn't sit in the same seat, she had to be with me. We did get them to sit together for a picture at least. The ride home was another story, she wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
There were lots of different animals to see and pet or hold. Our tour guide would tell us a little bit about the animals and then it was free game for the kids to see the animals. She got to go on a pony ride, and a hay ride. I was surprised at how willingly she held every animal that she could. She even got to milk a cow!
Of course there was plenty of time to spend with her friends too. We were there all morning, had a bag lunch, played a bit and then headed back home. It was a fun little day. Can't believe there is only one week left of 3K!

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