Friday, May 4, 2012

in so many words...

....Shoot the Moon Photography
....Nana and Papa

...the list of things we accomplished on Friday. But the list started on Thursday technically. Thursday afternoon Eddie was beside himself and had a fever of 103.7, didn't nap well and was beastly. When we were at Rowan's swim lessons, Eddie was content sitting on my lap snuggling his blanket, and even fell asleep for a bit. I was up with him every hour and a half all night long, and he threw up once around 1230am. His fever did come down with tylenol and ibuprofen, but would spike again here and there, just not as high.

Friday morning Eddie was acting fairly normal, so we jumped in the car. We had an appointment to have our pictures done in Delafield at 1pm. So our plan was to leave during Eddie's normal morning nap time. 9am we were on the road. But....Eddie didn't sleep at all! We stopped at the Swan residence to drop off some things and visit for a bit as Casey, Jake and Quinn were home for a wedding this weekend. Eddie was okay while we were there, but not his normal self.
Quinn couldn't take her hands off of Eddie. She is getting so big!
After Rowan got her flirting in with Jake, and the rest of us visited for a bit, we headed to Nana and Papa's for lunch and to change and get ready for our pictures. Nana had bought a groupon for Shoot the Moon photography in hopes of having the grandkids pictures taken together, but with Molly just having her baby, and them living in MI, and the groupon expiring June 1, we decided that wasn't going to be able to happen. So we used it to get our first family picture. The idea sounded great, but by the time I called to schedule, all the weekends and evenings were full, so we had to do the afternoon, and of course one of the kids was not well. So it would definitely be interesting. Nana came along for the session to attempt to get the kids to smile. They did so-so. We have to go back a different day to look at the pictures. Didn't really seem like it went well, time will tell.

Somewhere in here, Eddie started to drool like a siev. To the point where I tried to protect his clothes by putting a bib on, but that didn't work very well. So not sure if there are some teeth/molars trying to work their way in or what. I haven't seen any yet!

After pictures we headed back to Nana and Papa's to get Eddie a nap, and Rowan and I headed to Lisa's house to drop off some clothes they borrowed us, help Lisa with a little project, and visit for a bit. Maya and Mason were both at school, so Rowan just came along for the ride. Wish we could have caught up for longer, but Eddie's nap was short and he was feverish again, so needed to get back to him. He had his moments of being okay, usually doing something naughty. Like playing with the blind cords! Or if he was outside he was happy, but the weather wasn't exactly accomodating.
We endulged in some take out Chinese with Nana and Papa. Eddie shared most of his with Tulah. He nonchelantly was feeding her under the table. Ugh! Then we were on our way home. Both kids were asleep less than 10 minutes into the ride. Rowan slept the whole way, and Eddie slept probably half the ride. We were home just in time for bed.

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