Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicago IL

The long awaited and planned weekend in Chicago has finally come and quickly gone.

I was lucky enough to accept the Matron of Honor opportunity in my cousin/BFF Casey's wedding in July. Therefore, her youngest sister, Jordyn aka Maid of Honor, and I planned a day/night in Chicago for her Bachelorette Party. We did a darn good job if I do say so myself.

We were on the road by 830am Saturday morning, we had a caravan of 3 vehicles, and arrived around 1030am. It was so weird driving somewhere long distance and not having to stop for someone to go potty! We checked into the hotel, and then headed to Michigan Ave to do a little shopping before our lunch reservation at noon.

We had lunch at Mercaditos. Very tasty. Great Margaritas.

Then we headed back to the Magnificent Mile for some more shopping. Late afternoon we all headed back to the hotel to clean up, then Jordyn and I put on a little bachelorette shower. Complete with dips, drinks and a couple games. We had Casey guess who bought her which pair of panties (she wasn't very good) and we also play a game of He Says, She Says. Jordyn asked Jake several questions about their relationship and then we asked Casey. And she did awesome. She got many of them right, but the ones she got wrong she had to chew a piece of bubblicious. And her wad of gum was rather large at the end despite her doing well?

630pm, we were off to dinner at Hub 51. Another great meal. 2 hours later we were on our way to Epic Sky, a rooftop bar. Very fun atmosphere. We hung out there until it was time to head to the drag show at 1030pm. I am so glad that everyone loved the Drag show. And best of all, we were able to get Jordyn and her friend in as well. When the Drag show was done, we made one last stop at another bar and then were headed back to the hotel.
We were on the road home Sunday morning about 930am. Once we could get the hungover bride to be in the car. The only one hungover! That is how it is supposed to be! I spent the afternoon at my Dad's house before showering and heading to a shower for Casey put on by her soon to be sister in law. I didn't stay for the whole thing so that I could get home at a reasonable time and see the kids before they headed to bed. It was a very fun weekend. I will be exhausted for days!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last day of 3K

Seems like yesterday that we were headed to the first day of 3K. And now it is all done. Rowan loved going to preschool this year. Hope she feels the same this fall for 4K!

Monday, May 21, 2012

garden sunday

We had started working on the garden yesterday, but it was just too hot to work on. Doesn't help that this area is never in the shade. Therefore we were out and at it early this am before it got too hot. Then it ended up windy, so we couldn't get the slide out. Just did some standard playing and then headed inside for a few hours. Then after nap it was a bit cloudier.

We extended the garden this year. We will be long on peas and beans, two things the kids love! We did grape tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, beans, peas, cantaloupe, watermelon, cucumbers, radishes and carrots. I think that is it. Should be interesting.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Neighborhood fun...

Today was a fantastic day of fun in our yard! We got out the water slide, and the kids flocked! And they all had so much fun. Then we added the little pool to the mix for the little ones. Eddie LOVED the little pool. He was a splashing maniac! Ava, Sophia, and Rowan were masters of the slide. I think only one injury, but that is because they were being a bit daring and jumping down the slide. There isn't any cushion at the bottom of the slide! Other than water.
We did manage to get them to stop to eat a bit, thanks to Missy! Then they were back at it before we needed to get them all inside for some rest and napping. They all had a ton of fun. Rowan always asks if a friend will be outside to play with her when we go outside. She is pretty bummed in no one is around!

Friday, May 18, 2012

long warm day

After our warm morning at the farm, it was time to get some cool down time after nap. When Ed got home from work, he got out the sprinkler for the kids. It was a bit chilly! But still fun. Eddie wasn't so interested in getting close. He watched from afar in the swing. With a little bit of a chocolate face!

Mulberry Lane Farms

Today was Rowan's field trip with preschool. We went to the farm. She had such a good time. She was very excited for the day, and I think it exceeded her expectations. The bus was so exciting for her too. First time on a bus! We had to sit by her friend Haylee, but she wouldn't sit in the same seat, she had to be with me. We did get them to sit together for a picture at least. The ride home was another story, she wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
There were lots of different animals to see and pet or hold. Our tour guide would tell us a little bit about the animals and then it was free game for the kids to see the animals. She got to go on a pony ride, and a hay ride. I was surprised at how willingly she held every animal that she could. She even got to milk a cow!
Of course there was plenty of time to spend with her friends too. We were there all morning, had a bag lunch, played a bit and then headed back home. It was a fun little day. Can't believe there is only one week left of 3K!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Stapleton Family

...heads to Hawaii! To Live...not visit.

My girlfriend from high school, Desiree, and her husband, Erin, and their son, Teagan, were in Wisconsin for about a month while they were in between states. Erin is in the Coast guard, so they have moved every few years for the last several years. This time they are headed to Hawaii! We've been able to see each other at least once a year for the last few years, but not sure that will happen for a few years. They will be there for 3 years. Teagan for sure won't be back during that time, it's a long flight for a little boy.

So we are glad we were able to visit and catch up. Teagan had a fun time playing with the kids. We might have been the people to introduce him to popsicles, he wasn't a huge fan like my kids. He will learn how good they really are! He might have been just too busy with all the toys, he didn't know what to play with first. Wish we could have caught up for longer. Gizmo even got some attention from Erin. Good time had by all. But too short.
This was too cute. We were telling them to smile, so the boys smiled at each other! Too funny.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Popple season

Well, it's true, popple season has officially begun! Of course they have been eaten for awhile inside, generally in the bathtub before bed, but now we've introduced them to the outside as well. More sun, sand and sunscreen today. Poor Eddie has been brainwashed into liking dolls as well. He always wants what Rowan has. Luckily we have multiples of many animals and dolls around here.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I was supposed to be at work today taking care of babies, but I was lucky enough to be cancelled and just on call until 3pm, so I got to spend the day with my own babies! And it was nice out, so we got to play outside and clean the garage and what not!

Eddie got to try out the 4 wheeler since we finally charged the battery. Can you see in the top left picture his new way of getting around outside on the concrete? We call it the crab walk. Hurts the knees too much to crawl on that concrete. And he is always standing by the box in the garage pointing and whining for a ball of some kind!
Yesterday Ed and the kids planted me these wonderful flowers for Mother's Day. Now we have a little color out front. If only I can keep them alive. Crossing my fingers!
And an attempt at a little family picture. Not great! Good thing we spent all that money on one last week!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

you guessed it...

sun and sand...again.

and a sassy girl saying, 'cheese'!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So, after the hectic pictures last weekend. It was now time to make a reappearance to view them and order what we wanted. Luckily Nana was available sort of last minute so I could leave the kids with her while I attended this appointment. Not cheap, and a few did turn out. So we will see.

After the appointment, Rowan and Eddie got to see Mason (neighbor Gail's grandson). Him and Rowan played together a lot when we lived with Ed and Sue. And Nana found some great toys for them. Or not! I can tell Mason has a little brother at home, he was so good with Eddie!

Then we had some lunch with Nana and headed home!

Monday, May 7, 2012

worst nightmare

Of course, just because we finished the basement, we would have water! Luckily, it was in Ed's work room which is unfinished. But still doesn't make us happy. You can see that there is a crack in the wall all the way down the foundation. We will be contacting the builder since we have a 20 year basement warranty. We noticed the water on Saturday May 5th! (yes we have had lots of rain the last few days, but still)
Here is the after picture. Seal Tight came and filled the crack today. This better work, otherwise they will have to tear up the backyard to fix it from the outside.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


This boy might have a bit of Aunt Molly in him....LOVES Chocolate! Although he hasn't really turned down any sort of candy, and Chocolate seems to be the safest texture at this age!

Friday, May 4, 2012

in so many words...

....Shoot the Moon Photography
....Nana and Papa

...the list of things we accomplished on Friday. But the list started on Thursday technically. Thursday afternoon Eddie was beside himself and had a fever of 103.7, didn't nap well and was beastly. When we were at Rowan's swim lessons, Eddie was content sitting on my lap snuggling his blanket, and even fell asleep for a bit. I was up with him every hour and a half all night long, and he threw up once around 1230am. His fever did come down with tylenol and ibuprofen, but would spike again here and there, just not as high.

Friday morning Eddie was acting fairly normal, so we jumped in the car. We had an appointment to have our pictures done in Delafield at 1pm. So our plan was to leave during Eddie's normal morning nap time. 9am we were on the road. But....Eddie didn't sleep at all! We stopped at the Swan residence to drop off some things and visit for a bit as Casey, Jake and Quinn were home for a wedding this weekend. Eddie was okay while we were there, but not his normal self.
Quinn couldn't take her hands off of Eddie. She is getting so big!
After Rowan got her flirting in with Jake, and the rest of us visited for a bit, we headed to Nana and Papa's for lunch and to change and get ready for our pictures. Nana had bought a groupon for Shoot the Moon photography in hopes of having the grandkids pictures taken together, but with Molly just having her baby, and them living in MI, and the groupon expiring June 1, we decided that wasn't going to be able to happen. So we used it to get our first family picture. The idea sounded great, but by the time I called to schedule, all the weekends and evenings were full, so we had to do the afternoon, and of course one of the kids was not well. So it would definitely be interesting. Nana came along for the session to attempt to get the kids to smile. They did so-so. We have to go back a different day to look at the pictures. Didn't really seem like it went well, time will tell.

Somewhere in here, Eddie started to drool like a siev. To the point where I tried to protect his clothes by putting a bib on, but that didn't work very well. So not sure if there are some teeth/molars trying to work their way in or what. I haven't seen any yet!

After pictures we headed back to Nana and Papa's to get Eddie a nap, and Rowan and I headed to Lisa's house to drop off some clothes they borrowed us, help Lisa with a little project, and visit for a bit. Maya and Mason were both at school, so Rowan just came along for the ride. Wish we could have caught up for longer, but Eddie's nap was short and he was feverish again, so needed to get back to him. He had his moments of being okay, usually doing something naughty. Like playing with the blind cords! Or if he was outside he was happy, but the weather wasn't exactly accomodating.
We endulged in some take out Chinese with Nana and Papa. Eddie shared most of his with Tulah. He nonchelantly was feeding her under the table. Ugh! Then we were on our way home. Both kids were asleep less than 10 minutes into the ride. Rowan slept the whole way, and Eddie slept probably half the ride. We were home just in time for bed.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

sunny days...and sand!

Look familiar? Does around here. It is was a warm one around here this afternoon. Got to pull out the sleeveless shirts and play outside. Both kids love to play outside. Eddie now points outside and whines and cries if anyone is outside without him. Great. Hope summer isn't too warm. He isn't going to like it if he can't be outside. If only he'd start walking on his own. Would make things a little easier.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I apologize for the lack of posting pictures, but this is the extent of what I can get pictures of the kids doing, just about every day it seems. Sand, sand, sand. Build a castle, wreck a castle, over and over. And Eddie throws sand sometimes, but it usually only gets on himself. He doesn't throw it at anyone....yet.