Tuesday, April 5, 2011

snuggle time

This is what most mornings look like around here!

Rowan climbs into bed with me when she wakes up (lately has been between 630-7am, which is late for her!) And we watch cartoons (Disney channel of course) for about an hour. And her 'broder' watches them with us, or sleeps. Of course there is chocolate milk involved for Rowan! Her new favorite for the last month. We haven't gone through this much milk in forever (we generally mix Hershey's syrup into white milk aka not much syrup at all!)


suefarleysmith@gmail.com said...

He is changing so much in this last week! Can't wait to see him this weekend!

Tammy Sue said...

so many new sweet pictures since my last visit. hopefully the feedings get better....its very frustrating to not know what to do with these little people. they grow up so fast he'll be on to the next stage in no time. get some rest mama!