Monday, April 25, 2011

6 Weeks old

Not sure where we are tipping the scales these days, we will find out in a couple of weeks at our 2 month visit. But by the looks of the double chin, this little boy isn't being starved! Although he, just like us, would probably like to figure out the proper thing for him to eat. We continue with Alimentum as of today, we are on day 4 of this formula, and honestly, he doesn't seem any different, good or bad! I have come to realize that when he cried out during a feeding, he either has a burp hiding, or is just plain done eating and usually ready to sleep or be put down! So I plan to give the Alimentum another day or two to finish it up and make sure I have given it the full chance, and then probably just go back to the Sensitive. I am not sure I am willing to go full Standard Infant formula, but at least a bit closer to normalcy. And then at 6 months of age wean him to regular formula like we did with Rowan.

We do continue on Zantac, and I am still not sure that has made much change. Yes, he sleeps considerably better at night in the last couple of weeks, at least a 2-4 hour stretch (did have a 6 hour stretch once, last wednesday into thursday) but I am not sure I can contribute it to any of the changes we have made. I think he is just getting older and better at tolerating life! Don't get me wrong, he most definitely has a case of reflux that we can't put on the back burner but not sure the medicine makes it any more tolerable. He has his good moments and bad moments with refluxing! Still doesn't spit up hardly ever, and if he does it is a very small amount!

Still a bit constipated occassionally. Maybe needs a suppository once a week. I only give him one if he is fussy and every other option has been visited and it has been a couple days since his last poopy diaper!

At this point, during the day Eddie cat naps in the mornings and late afternoon/evenings. His only long stretch of sleep during the day is from about noon to 3pm -ish. Which has worked out well for the most part for my napping too because that is Rowan's general nap time too.

Tummy time is still a work in progress! Gets stronger every week though. He does seem to track things and us better with his eyes. Can smile up a storm, but not at all times when you want him too. Generally I am not prepared when it comes, thus the fuzzy photos at times, or the iPhone pics!

And, not to be left out...the crazy big sister of 6 week old Baby Edy!


Casey said...

She's so funny... She cracks me up

Tammy Sue said...

sounds like things are getting better. it seems like time is always the trick, but you gotta try something in the meantime. he really is a sweet boy, and is growing and filling out so perfectly!!