Monday, April 4, 2011

3 Weeks Old...

and we still don't have the poor little guy figured out!

Honestly, he continues to be a good baby overall. I just feel like we are missing something. He has more moments of discontent than we would like, and it is generally at night. In Eddie's case, we started experimenting with formula in hopes that that has been his issue. And so far we haven't figured it out. We started Soy formula (Similac isomil) on Tuesday March 29th and continued it for 5 days. And he didn't seem any better or worse. So then we decided to try the Similac Sensitive (lactose free) again in hopes to get him on a more 'normal' formula (he has only gotten this formula for 12 hours in the past, so not long enough to know if he was okay with it or not). We started this on Sunday (yesterday), so we will see what happens. If he seems more uncomfortable on this formula then we will try our last resort, which is Alimentum (for milk protein allergies). I am trying not to use this because it is smelly, therefore I am sure it doesn't taste good, and of course it is the most expensive. Eddie didn't seem to enjoy the taste of the Soy, so I am sure he won't love the Alimentum.

My only other thought would be treating his reflux. He doesn't spit up or seem overly uncomfortable when he refluxes, but it definitely wakes him up and causes some sort of discomfort. And I am guessing it affects him more so at night because we don't hold him upright as long after feedings as during the day (because we/I would like to get back to sleep). It sort of makes me sad that it could have been reflux all along, and I might have been able to continue breastfeeding. But pumping and bottlefeeding with 2 kids for more than a couple days was too much for me. And Rowan got formula for most of her infancy and she has turned out quite fine! Anyway, we will see how the rest of the week goes on this current formula.
What is new with Eddie this week?

He is starting to have some short periods of awake time after feedings during the day, followed by short naps before eating again. He is showing signs of the 3 week growth spurt already by eating more frequently than usual. Generally he eats 3-4 ounces every 3ish hours. And as of today is taking Similac Sensitive. Since we have stopped breastfeeding we have had some constipation issues. I have given him a glycerin suppository 2 times now. Hopefully his intestines will adjust to the formula and start functioning on their own.

Eddie doens't mind being in the bouncy seat for short periods of time, or laying on the playmat either. Tummy time is a work in progress. He isn't so into it right now. We are lucky to get a few minutes out of him.

He could do without the pacifier, but will take it on occassion. Usually when he has eaten and been awake maybe too long, he will then take a pacifier with some rocking to settle in to sleep. And maybe in the carseat, but it is almost always a brief period and then he spits it out and is done with it.

We are barely still fitting into Newborn size clothing. This is very sad for me. I could probably pack away the newborn sleepers or anything one pieced, as he can't exactly stretch out completely in them anymore!


karen said...

Very cute pictures of Eddie! He looks like he is blowing bubbles!

Linda H said...

Hi Megan and Eddie! The kids are adorable! You'll figure the formula out...sorry the little guy is having trouble. Give a hug to Rowan for us!