Saturday, April 30, 2011

OshKosh Corp Family Day

Ed's employer had an Open House today for families of employees, so we ventured out in the wind and cold for some time out of the house. It was a bit brisk, but I think we all enjoyed it. There was food, plant tours, face painting, inflatables, and truck shows, and door prizes. And some illegal picture taking? Oops. We failed to read the handout given to us when we arrived that said, "No picture taking". So when a friend of Ed's alerted us while taking Rowan and my picture in a truck, we put the camera in a safe place!
Luckily they were offering picture taking in front of a few of the OshKosh trucks, so we had our very first family picture taken by them!
We enjoyed lunch, and a truck show, and a brief 'Ed guided' tour of South Plant (where Ed works and has his office) before heading home. It was a bit chilly out. Eddie slept through most of the trip, and Rowan was quite the trooper too. She started to get a bit bored during the truck show, but she enjoyed it for a bit! We were on our way home just after 2pm. That evening Ed received a text message from a guy from work saying that we won something! They did the door prize drawings at 3pm so we weren't present, but you didn't have to be to win. Here is what we won...a camera, camera case, tripod, and a 4gb memory card! My point and shoot camera was getting a bit old (not that I use it ever anymore) and scratched up because we would let Rowan play with it, so this was a nice free-bee! We will see how it works!


Cora said...

Nice freebie! And way to threaten national security with your unauthorized pics!

Tammy Sue said...

FANTASTIC!! I love winning stuff : )