Saturday, April 16, 2011

any recommendations?

Well, he hated the Alimentum. He choked down one feeding for me yesterday morning, and the second feeding he was crying while trying to choke it down, so I stopped the madness. What a waste of 25$, but what good can it do for his belly if I can't even get it in him, and what is $25 when it comes to my son's happiness?

So I tried Soy for the rest of the day since I still had some, and by the late afternoon he was crying and choking down Soy too. So I guess at this point the Similac Sensitive has been tolerated the best so that is what we used through the night.

But he still slept like poop. Even worse actually! We maybe got 1.5 hours out of him in the swing, and then 1.5 hours in bed with me (by accident) and eventually another hour in the swing before Rowan was up. He ate better but still wasn't happy after eating! And of course was happy as a lark when in my arms sleeping.

Now we are going to try Mylicon gas drops and see if that helps anything. After that, I am out of ideas! Help!


Nicole said...

Too late to get that breast milk back??? :-)

Nicole said...

Seriously though, I'm sorry things aren't going well. It must be so hard to see your baby so uncomfortable. I hope you are able to find the solution quickly so everyone can get some much needed sleep!

Crystal said...

I used the Mylicon Drops with Kenadee when she had gas issues. It worked like a charm for her. I hope it works for Lil Eddie too!

Katie said...

I hope both of you get some relief soon. Maybe call the ped again? There has to be some sort of solution.

Lisa said...

Goodness Girl! I feel your pain. I remember those days all too well!!! Now do you understand why I'm done having babies :) I personally would just stick with the similac sensitive and definitely use the Mylicon drops.

Cora said...

The alimentum tastes like crap. Sometimes they will take it if you transition slowly. Maybe do a mix of sim sensitive & alimentum and slowly transtion to all alimentum. Or perhaps the nutramigen tastes better? IDK.

I'm sorry you're going through this. It just sucks. You can do the mylicon every feeding. They don't get absorbed systemically, they just stay in the GI tract and get rid of the bubbles. I'd also make sure he doesn't get constipated. Good luck!