Monday, April 11, 2011

4 Weeks Old...

and he just keeps growing!

Can't believe we are already a month into this little man's life! And he keeps changing daily. I like to think we have things figured out for him feeding and comfort wise. But who knows. It is hard to tell if things are getting better because he is getting older or because of the choices we have made for him.

Currently he is eating Similac Sensitive. Anywhere from 4-6 ounces every 2 1/2-4 hours. We did try the Similac AR briefly after our last doctor visit, but his reflux seemed worse for that 12 hours, therefore I just went back to the Sensitive and started him on the Zantac. We will see if that makes a difference. I think he has figured out his pooping issue too. I haven't had to give him anything for constipation, but he is lucky if he goes once a day right now. And it does tend to be a struggle!

We are just finishing up our newborn sized diapers and then we will start using Size 1. I have officially packed away all the newborn sized clothing and organized the 0-3 month clothing. Some of the 0-3 or 3 month clothing is a little big, but the newborn was just too small. So we will have a week or two growing into the next size. But at least he can stretch out now!

Eddie has started to smile, but not necessarily in response to us. And of course I haven't caught it on camera perfectly yet. But there are a few smirks documented.


Lisa said...

He's sooooooo cute! Can't wait to meet him soon :)

Cora said...

He is adorable. Love those newborn faces. They get so big so fast :-(