Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1 Month MD visit

Weight: 10 pounds (50th percentile)
Height: 21.75 inches (50th percentile)
Head: 38.5 cm (50th percentile)

This visit was rather uneventful! Thankfully. Hoping that this weight gain slows down, a pound a week is a bit much. But that shows in his eating and in relation to the supposed 3 week growth spurt. But out little guy is very average in the 50th percentile across the board! Very proportionate!

We talked about whether or not the Zantac is making a difference. I personally am not sure it really is. He has been sleeping better but not sure if that is just him eating more and getting bigger, or if it is the meds. He still refluxes obviously, the medication isn't going to make it go away, but it still wakes him at times. Not sure if that is any less. Ed on the other hand seems to think it has made a difference. So we will see. We are going to adjust his dose now that he is a month old, and has gained another pound, so we will see if this doubled dose changes anything too. The doctor said if we think we still have issues with the formula we could still try Alimentum, but I think we are okay on what we are on. We will see.

I thought he would have to get vaccines today, but not until his 2 month check up. Phew!

Otherwise, physically he checked out great. He has a small umbilical hernia that the MD isn't concerned about. Apparently if they need fixing they don't do it until 2-3 years old.

I guess that is about it!

1 comment:

Cora said...

What a big growing boy! And no worries on the umbilical hernia. Amelia had one too, and it just fixed itself.