Monday, February 28, 2011

37 weeks...and a plan!

Where to begin?

Doctor visit went well today, as usual. Although today's was actually timely too, which is new in the last few visits!

Blood Pressure: 110/60
Fundal height: appropriate
Cervical check: a 'loose' 1cm and 50% effaced (so essentially the same as at 35 week check)
Heart Rate: 140

The GBS swab I had done at 35 weeks came back negative! Yipee! No need for antibiotics during labor! Then we got the usual, call if you feel a gush of water, any bleeding, contractions 5 minutes apart for an hour, cal the office if it is during office hours, if not go right to the hospital. Then she asked if we had any questions.

Which is when I inquired about how late she would let me go?  Meaning past my due date. She said no longer than 41 weeks, or we could induce at 39 weeks. Also known as the T.O.P (tired of pregnancy) plan. Ed said, is there such a thing? Needless to say, we said we would be interested in the induction at 39 weeks plan merely because we have a toddler to plan around and no family/friends closer than 90 miles to accomodate her! So she said she would have her nurse call and schedule it! I got a phone call a couple hours later saying that it is scheduled for March 14th at 7am!

That's the plan!

That being said, please leave a comment with your best guess as to what sex this Smith baby will be, what date it will be born on (better be March 14th!), what time, and baby stats (weight and length)!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

last free weekend

We spent the weekend trying to get things done in the basement and around the house. Some of our special ordered items were in at Menards, so we picked those up, among a few other needs of course.

We finally got a few pictures on the wall (we actually did this a few weeks ago, but I didn't get around to documenting it) Needed to get them out of the closet in the baby's room to make room for baby things instead.
Nana and Papa came up on Saturday to visit for the afternoon. Of course Papa got put to work for a short while in the basement. Fixing some electrical stuff for us and helping install the bedroom door. So that was very helpful. Us ladies just visited and played with the dogs. Rowan loves to get in the middle of the dog action. Since Ed had to take Rowan's carseat out of the truck in order to get the door home it was an opportunity for me to clean it (first time ever taken apart and washed, yuk!, I know) Therefore we removed and washed the one in the car as well.
Due to Nana and Papa visiting and noise in the basement during naptime, we skipped nap on Saturday! Big mistake, and not to be done again anytime soon. But she did pass out on the living room floor around 515pm finally. Only for about 45 minutes, and then was crying for no reason when she woke up aka overtired. And was in bed around 7pm for the night.
Tulah, the human, forgot that we don't allow animals on our furniture! But Nana got to spend time with her 2 favorite girls while watching Beauty and the Beast!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

last swim lesson

Tonight was Rowan's last swim lesson of her 1st session! She passed with flying colors and will be moving onto the next class next week! Ed swam with her this week because it was a 'fun' day (which meant they could go down the big slide; probably not appropriate for prego mom), or so I thought. I was expecting the entire 30 minute class to be free swim time, but they did actually sing a few songs and work on their floating/jumps/etc. And then the last 10 minutes was slide time and fun time to do what they wanted. And of course, Rowan didn't do a good job of listening to her dad! Anyway, she got to try out her new water wings at the end of class and loved them, again! They only went down the slide once, Ed said it was dark and fast, and Rowan said 'no' right as they were about to sit down, so there was no turning back. Needless to say, she didn't want to do it again!

Going down the slide with Dad, and using my new water wings.

We actually tried out the waterwings after last weeks class, but the video that dad took had some women talking in the background, and I didn't take the time to edit them out!

Monday, February 21, 2011

it's becoming a bit monotonous...

...talking about all the snow. But I guess it is to be expected in Wisconsin in the winter! So we were out again tonight cleaning up from the latest several inches of snow we got on Sunday and into Monday! And as if shovelling and snowblowing wasn't enough work for Ed, he decided to dig a tunnel for him and Rowan to play in. Too bad it took him longer to dig it than they actually played in it! But Rowan thought it was pretty cool! If only I could army crawl with this basketball on the frontside, I could have enjoyed too! I was content with playing photographer instead!

36 weeks and exhausted!

..and a pajama day inside!
I am really glad that I cancelled my appointment for today! Now we don't have to go anywhere. Luckily, because we probably couldn't get out if we tried. Ed took the truck to work today (thankfully or he probably wouldn't have made it), they still hadn't plowed our street when he left this morning.
It started snowing here around 11am yesterday and when I left work at 1130pm last night, nothing had still been plowed! And still yet this morning before 6am. Probably good that they came after Ed had left for work, or even with 4 wheel drive he might not have gotten out of the driveway!

It was a long weekend. I was lucky to have someone call last week and want to switch shifts with me this weekend, so I worked days instead of nights! Bonus! But we got really busy Saturday morning, and stupid me volunteered to stay 4 hours extra last night. 40 hours in 3 days is just a bit much for a 9 month pregnant woman. But my assignment was busy so the weekend went fast, and we can always use a little extra money! But 6am came way too fast this morning. Not to mention, Rowan was up at 2am, and I was too tired to deal with putting her back to bed in her own bed, so she cuddled with me most of the night! Was hoping she would sleep later that way too, no such luck! Oh well. I didn't get to see her much all weekend, so it was nice to cuddle, if only she didn't hog the bed so much!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

valentine's fortress...

Like every other holiday, Rowan was spoiled rotten this February 14th! Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie came over the weekend bearing gifts (valentine doggy, candy, bubbles, socks, etc..), then Saturday she got a package in the mail from Nana and Papa (new movie and chocolates), another package from Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill (many Disney movies), all making Ed and I look like schmucks for the few things we got for her. But she had enough sugar after the weekend.
Instead, Rowan and I kept busy with our 'heart' activities throughout the day. We made heart crayons (note to self, cheap crayons don't work so well), valentine chex mix, valentine peanut butter balls, coloring pages, heart window decor (melted crayon shavings in wax paper), and for dinner our burgers were heart shaped too!

I think Rowan had had enough 'heart' filled activities for one day!
After dinner Daddy built Rowan a living room full of blanket fort! She and Gizmo thought it was pretty awesome! Not so awesome for pregnant mommy who can't army crawl in her present state! Not sure who had more fun, Daddy or Rowan?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day...

...from our Sweetie to yours!

thirty-five weeks

Blood Pressure: 100/56
Heart Rate: 135
Cervix: 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced
GBS swab done
Weight: gained another 4 pounds (I think) since last appointment, putting us at a total of 37 pounds thus far (don't worry Molly, I am going to hit your goal for my total weight gain!)

Forgot how painful having my cervix checked was....just about crawled off the table!

Doctor is sure that the baby's head is down. She was telling us how she thought the baby was positioned because when I laid back on the table, my belly was completely lopsided. So the baby's back was to my left, with head down.

Ed came to this appointment with us because I wasn't sure how I would control Rowan with my clothing removed from the waist down! Good thing he was there, let's just say that. This was the first time he met the MD too, the other ultrasound appointments he was at, we didn't meet with the MD. And of course, we were in the waiting room for 30+ minutes before even getting into an exam room (supposedly the MD had to do a procedure) but it is annoying waiting that long, especially with a toddler!

Anyway, despite the length of the appointment, everything went well. I thought I had to go weekly from here on out, but she said technically I could skip 36 weeks and start weekly from 37 weeks. So after today's cervix check, I think I am going to cancel next weeks appointment (it was going to affect my sleeping after working night shift too) and revisit her on the 37 week mark!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

bad habits, blisters, and shopping

Saturday morning Rowan had her Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie up bright and early as usual. We had some breakfast, and Uncle Dusty got roped into some coloring which he in exchange started some bad habits. Rowan is into tracing hands when she colors, well Uncle Dusty thought he would trace her feet, and continued to put her on the kitchen table to do so. It didn't seem like a bad idea at the time, but the rest of the weekend Rowan kept climbing onto the table and then summoning someone to come trace her feet. Not safe! We came to realize that morning, that Rowan got her crazy hair and dimples from her Uncle Dusty! Too cute!

Then while the boys got to work with sanding and mudding (after a trip to Menards bright and early), us ladies showered and got ready to head to the mall for some shopping. Rowan was nosey and bothering Aunt Julie while she was putting on her makeup, so Rowan got a personal lesson on makeup application (perhaps I should have listened in!) Rowan was a good girl at the mall. Always concerned where Aunt Julie was, and wanted to hold Aunt Julie's hand, or be carried by Aunt Julie. Poor Aunt Julie!
We were home in time for lunch with the boys. They took a short break to eat and then were back at it. Us ladies then took advantage of some rest and relaxation. We felt a bit guilty, but what else were we to do. Had to be quiet while Rowan was napping!

While the second coat of mud was drying the men showered and we made a nice steak dinner. Their blisters were able to swell up in time to sand for a final time! I have never swept my kitchen so much in my life, but the basement was covered in dust and there was no way to prevent it from coming up stairs. Oh well. Not looking forward to cleaning up the basement covered in white!
Needless to say, after 2 days, we are very grateful for Uncle Dusty's help in the basement. Ed did a little bit of touch up on Sunday, and cleaning up, and now the room is ready for primer and paint! Not something we are looking forward to, but the idea of the room being complete before baby #2 arrives is now for sure a possibility. As you can see by the bottom left picture, Ed and Dusty claimed that they had to keep drinking beer to swallow down all the drywall dust, despite the masks they wore!

Friday, February 11, 2011

let the fun begin

My impatient husband drywalled the entire bedroom in the basement all by himself. I attempted to help him with a few sheets on the ceiling, but it was not easy, so he managed somehow by himself. Today, Ed started doing the taping and mudding to get ahead before Dusty and Julie arrived. We headed to OshKosh for dinner at Red Robin for some greasy burgers, onion rings, deep fried jalapenos, and steak fries. When we got home the boys finished the first coat of mud before heading to bed.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

daddy watch me

...mommy swim wit me

Every week, Rowan has to clarify multiple times who is doing what. And that is what we hear over and over before we go to swim lessons. We skipped pictures last week since they all seem to look the same (minus mom getting chubbier every week) but I always worry we will miss something if we don't have the camera. So here is the fish in action for another week. Sporting the ponytail this week. I think she is starting to get bored with what we do in class, but she is still super excited to go. Hopefully the next session will be more her style, we will see. She just wants to go by herself!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


When Rowan puts her own bows on, she tends to have a Rambo look! Still super cute!

Monday, February 7, 2011

34 weeks

As I was sitting at work this weekend, I was holding babies that were just about the same gestation as the little one in my belly, and I just couldn't fathom that something that big is squished inside of me. It really is crazy. Even crazier are the lack of days left before we will meet this little bambino! Although I am quite ready! Just need to get out the rest of the big things and get them washed (carseat/bouncy seat/swing etc.) I have been putting it off because I know they will become Rowan's new toys once they are out in the open!

Off to the doctor next week, and then weekly from there!

Sort of wishing I would have done a post about guessing the babies gender instead of the poll on the side of the blog, because then I can see who is guessing what. I can't believe all of the boy guesses. Ed is dead set that it is another girl. I really don't know; despite all the boy signs, it would just be too easy to have one of each gender right away. But quite convenient! Just waiting for the healthy baby to join our quaint little family and stir things up!

super bowl champs

Gotta love them Packers...
Or cute girls sporting Packer attire...
Rowan sure knew what to do with that cheese bra!
You go girl!
I got home in the middle of the 3rd quarter last night from work. And I quickly realized I should have stayed and watched the rest of the game at work. Because I walked into a grumpy household. Ed had had his fill of toddler for the day, and the Packers weren't playing well at the time, so it was rough around these parts! Luckily the game turned around eventually and the happy Packer Daddy was back finally. He was a nervous wreck during the game let me tell you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Go Pack Go...

I had intentions of supporting the Packers at work today, but decided this wasn't quite professional enough! Perhaps in a few months it will fit a bit better!
This was Rowan patiently waiting to watch football with her Daddy while Mommy was at work!
Had to make the pictures small because the quality of our iPhone pics aren't great!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Clean up...

We definitely didn't get the blizzard of 2011 like other areas of the country, but we had big enough drifts and enough snow to need to go out and shovel/snowblow. Luckily this time, Ed was home at a decent time, so we made it a family affair to go out and play. I was just in charge of Rowan this time, so that was quite the easy task!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

waiting out the storm

This is what our house looked like last night! Staying warm inside, while the wind howled outside. We didn't get quite as much snow and other areas, but the wind was sure whippin' out there. Rowan and I were out and snowblowed (my 1st time!) before lunch yesterday, and by the time Ed got home, the drifts were back! I think I am leaving that project for Ed today. Rowan and I are going to stay snuggled inside!

Anyway, poor Gizmo has once again been subjected to Rowan's bossyboots! She was bringing him some food and forcing him to play with her last night. Apparently Ed and I aren't good enough playmates. Then Rowan and Ed enjoyed an evening snack, POPCORN! Rowan has learned some bad snacking habits from her parents! I guess it could be worse.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our little toddler... growing up so fast.

I can't believe Rowan is 2 1/2 already. Feels like yesterday we were using a pacifier and holding her constantly. Now sometimes we are lucky to get to hold her and cuddle. Although she is quite the snuggler, but it is usually only on her terms!

So what is Rowan doing these days?? 

She is weighing about 28.5 pounds. (I weighed her at my doctor appointment earlier this week)
Wearing 3T for the most part. Some 2T still fits, but not much. And some 3T is too big, but we would rather have things be too big than too small!
Size 7 in shoes

Rowan is attending daycare 1 day a week. She still doesn't love being dropped off at daycare, but has fun once she warms up. She just isn't there enough to be used to it. I am starting to look into preschools for her for the fall.

Potty training is a work in progress, but not a daily task. She does go potty on the toilet a few times a day, but we still aren't pushing it. She just has no interest in it somedays. As much as we would really like to have her out of diapers before her brother/sister arrives in March, it isn't seeming like that is going to happen. I have been told that with a change like a new baby, kids tend to regress when it comes to potty training anyways, so I am not going to fret it yet. And we technically have until Fall when she would start preschool to have it mastered completely.

Rowan sleeps in her big girl bed every night. Generally she is in bed between 8 and 830p, and up around 6am. Sometimes she crawls into bed with me before 6am, but will fall back asleep until 6am generally. Haven't figured out how to get the girl to sleep in. She usually takes a 1 1/2 hour nap a day, in the afternoon, sometimes longer.

Rowan is a pretty good eater overall. But she has good meals and bad meals. She either eats really well, or nothing at all for a meal. She is good with fruits and vegetables, but loves her junk food too. We are horrible about making her drink milk. She will have chocolate milk occassionally, but isn't a lover of that either. Therefore it is usually water or watered down juice. Is it weird that we still water down her juice? I figure it isn't hurting her. She only gets full strength juice if she is having a juice box.

Rowan is working on her letters and numbers. She can count to 10 for the most part, but tends to forget the #5. And the alphabet, well that is always comical. She does know it pretty well, but skips around at times. Very cute. She knows her first name, obviously. We are trying to teach her her full name. It is a work in progress.
What is Rowan into these days?

Seems to be something new everyday lately. In general it rotates between Mickey Mouse and friends, Toy Story 3, puzzles (regular ones now, not the wooden ones, although she needs lots of help still), taking care of her babies (any of them on a given day), walking Gizmo around the house with a leash, playing kitchen, and helping us do just about anything and everything. Oh and repeating! She copies everything we do and say. So we need to watch our vocabulary big time, as well as things we do.

Her independence, or wanting to be independent has turned out to be a very trying issue for us. We don't have great patience, either of us, so the extra time it takes to let her do things herself is difficult for us. But we are learning. She makes us laugh every minute of every day with things she is saying or doing! We are all growing and learning together!