Monday, January 31, 2011

thirty-three weeks

Another day, another doctor appointment. 7 weeks to go! Appointment went fine. Other than the fact that we didn't go back to the exam room until 30+ minutes after our appointment time. And I was the only one in the waiting room with a toddler, or child of any kind. So I was getting a little annoyed that it seemed like everyone was coming after me and getting seen before me. Luckily Rowan was a peach today and was very patient. Probably more than me!

Anyways, my blood pressure was good as usual (102/52). Urine was good. Fundal height measured 32 cm. Come to find out I have been measuring a bit behind all along, but have been growing all along, so no concerns. But the thought I had of having a bigger baby might be out the window. Nothing to blame all the weight gain on I guess. Speaking of weight, gained another 4 pounds this time, I think. Therefore, my total weight gain in 33 weeks, is 33 pounds. Thinking I am going to surpass Rowan's 40 pound weight gain! Oh well! Just might have to work a little harder to lose it this time.

Next visit will be the last 2 week appointment at 35 weeks, then we start weekly appointments. At 35 weeks the doctor will do the GBS swab (if it comes back positive, I will have to receive antibiotics before the baby is born to prevent transfer of the infection. I was negative with Rowan, but that doesn't mean anything this time) and check my cervix for the first time.
In other news, I did do some more organizing of the baby's room this weekend, even put the bedding on. I needed to get it out of the closet so I could finish that project. Next will be getting the carseat and other baby accessories out of totes in the basement.

I am getting anxious to meet this baby. In the beginning I was nervous just thinking about managing 2 children (3 if you include Ed!). But now I am to the point where I just want to do it and figure it out. And I am sick of looking at neutral baby stuff. I haven't bought much because I would much rather buy pink or blue! 

I am ready to fit in my clothes again. That is my only complaint about this pregnancy. The time of year doesn't agree with me because nothing fits me. So as Ed says, it will be sweatpants and sweatshirts (mostly Ed's) for the remainder of this pregnancy I think. Not that that is out of the ordinary for me. But the all so 'supposedly' comfortable maternity jeans aren't so comfortable to me. It is like wearing a strapless dress, you are constantly pulling it/them up! A battle I have now given up on.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

just another day

It didn't even feel like a Saturday today! Rowan and I cleaned the house this morning while Ed was at work. Then we headed outside to do some shovelling as we got a couple more inches of snow overnight.
In the afternoon while Ed worked on the bedroom in the basement, Rowan and I worked on some artwork. I bought some canvas from Michael's a few weeks ago in hopes of having Rowan create some decor for the baby's room and her own room too. I have been putting it off knowing that it wasn't going to be a clean experience. But she did better than I thought as far as keeping the paint off of herself and on the canvas. Pictures of the masterpieces themselves to come once they are dry and hanging! We did start with paintbrushes, but she really just wanted to use her hands. So I let her, reluctantly!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

swimmin' with daddy

Rowan got to swim with Ed tonight because I had a mole removed yesterday on my back. You can definitely tell that Rowan is used to swimming for fun with Ed because she didn't want to listen very well. She kept wanting him to let go of her, and she kept coming to the window to wave to me while I watched. She was a good jumper for him though. They want you to teach them to count to 3 before jumping, so you can see her counting in the pictures too.

They sang a new song in class today too where they threw the kids in the air. Definitely got better air time from dad than she would have gotten from me!

There was a dad that asked Rowan if she would show his daughter how she jumped in at the end of class. He couldn't get over her fearlessness! Not sure if that is a good thing or not. She seems to be listening pretty well around the water so far?

potty update

On a positive note, Rowan went potty in public for the first time this week. When we were at the mall on Monday night with Grandma Pam, she went potty on the little kid toilet. I was very impressed. But that is about all I can say for potty training. Rowan goes pee on the potty fairly frequently at home, but we are lucky to have a half a day of dryness, then she loses interest the other half of the day. And pooping isn't even on the toilet spectrum yet. We have put her in regular underwear a couple of times, and she will be good for a few hours, and then it goes downhill from there. I can only handle an accident or two before I have her back in a pull up or diaper. Therefore, I don't think she is quite ready, so we aren't going to push it hard yet. As much as we would like her to be trained by the time #2 arrives, the chance of her regressing when the baby is here is pretty good, so it might not be worth the struggle. I would rather wait until she is ready!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

water bug...

I remember when we had to be so cautious when giving Rowan a bath because she would scream if you got water in her eyes. Now you can't stop her from pouring water over her own head. Or when she showers with us, she stands under the shower head the entire time she is in there and is mad if you block the water! She was practicing her kicking in the tub tonight too, makes for a messy floor!

few and far between...

It is very rare that I do a post without picutres, but I feel like we need a weekend in review.

It was a busy weekend despite not being around much. Grandma Pam spent the last 4 days with us, thankfully, to watch Rowan as both Ed and I had to work again this weekend. Sunday we did get to watch the Packer game and cheer them on. Then it was back to work for me shortly after.

Monday, Rowan went to daycare while I slept. Then I got a long overdue haircut and eyebrow wax. After picking Rowan up from daycare, we took Grandma Pam to the mall for some shopping to get her out of the house! Then it was an early night to bed for all of us (although that is how most night are around here).

Today I was on call from 3a-11a, which is why Grandma Pam stayed past the weekend. Since we are always up early, I decided to go to my staff meeting this morning at 730a, then did some errand running/shopping before coming home for lunch. My goal was to get a few last minute baby items we needed/wanted, but my trip turned into much more. Between the mall last night, and my shopping today, I got some awesome clearance deals on clothes for Rowan (some for next fall/winter, and some for the rest of this winter) Wishing I would have known the sex of this baby so I could have bought ahead for him/her too, but there are always other sales!

Ed was home early today because we had the inspector come out and look at the basement to allow us to move forward with drywall. All went well with that, so Ed will be a drywalling fool very soon! Also this afternoon, I headed to the doctor to have a new/suspicious mole removed on my back. All went well with that as well. Some lidocaine and a few stitches later, I was on my way home. This means Dad will be swimming with Rowan tomorrow. Hoping to get some video footage! Sorry to bore you all with our weekend of events, but documentation is key!

Monday, January 24, 2011

32 weeks

Friday, January 21, 2011

picture taking

Here is a taste of what it is like trying to take a picture of Rowan and her cousins! Comical to say the least. Sorry it has taken me so long to get videos uploaded. This is taken with our new HD Flip video camera!

who woulda thought?

39 weeks...

Last night, after a long pregnancy of:
bedrest (since 8 weeks)
2 cerclages (stitches in the cervix to keep baby in)
lots of contracting (at inappropriate times)
and lots of praying...

Scott and Nicole welcomed A Baby Boy! Nicole is a friend and ex-coworker of mine from St. Joe's. My high risk prego friends have now both delivered 2 healthy term babies! So exciting. Hard to believe, but I think I am the next one due of all the pregnant people I know right now!

Haydon Anderson Creighton
1-20-2011 @ 9:24pm
7 lbs 13.6 oz and 21 inches long
So happy for all of you! I feel as though them having a boy, might be another sign? Time will tell. Baby Smith, due 2 months from today!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

big girl hair

We tried out the ponytail today, and it was a hit. Except for the millions of times I had to fix it. Her hair is so fine, it doesn't handle rough house very well. Her daddy said she looks too grown up with a ponytail. And that she does! Too cute!

more swimming fun

Rowan had another fun night at swimming lessons. She continues to have no fear of the water. We had a different teacher this week, and she noticed immediately her lack of fear. I was trying to ask her the progression of classes to help decide if I should just sign her up for the next class for the 2nd winter session, but that class starts like 2 weeks before my due date and goes through it. So not sure we want to have that commitment. But would like to let her continue so she is ready to safely swim by summer!

Today, Rowan learned how to get climb out the side of the pool all by herself. Otherwise we worked on floats, and jumping, and kicking, and blowing bubbles, and putting our ears in the water too. Got to use some new toys too. She liked using the barbell floaty. Lots more singing too!

Not sure I am going to be able to shimmy into the suit many more times this pregnancy, so Dad might be taking over. But it is fun, so I am going to go as long as I can, perhaps I should just buy a prego suit? We will see.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

basement update

Here is what things are looking like downstairs these days. Papa helped Ed get the electrical done. And then Ed put in the duct work for a heating/cooling vent! And Rowan and I cleaned up their mess! That is about all we are good for down there! Thought we would show you the many inches of snow in our window well. And it isn't going anywhere fast!

Monday, January 17, 2011

naughty naughty

I leave the house for 1 hour, and look at the naughty things that go on! Dog on the chair in particular!

Karen and Doug were here on Monday to watch Rowan for me while I was on call for 12 hours. I didn't get called in but I did leave for an hour for my doctor appointment, and these are the things I miss! Can you tell Gizmo is used to them spoiling him! Supposedly he was only in the chair long enough to take a picture, not sure I believe it, but oh well! There could be worse things going on, right?
Rowan was attempting to use the potty, and decided to copy Karen in crossing her legs. Too cute. And of course she can multitask and drink while going potty. Perhaps that is why she didn't go that time!

I really appreciate them coming and helping us out. Of course it snowed most of the day, so their ride home was less than ideal. But Rowan and Gizmo enjoyed the attention for the day!

31 weeks

Blood pressure: 108/50
Heart Rate: 134
Weight: gained 1 pound in last 2 weeks (total of 29 pounds this pregnancy)
Fundal height: right on at 31

Discussed my reflux issues, for which I haven't been taking anything for at this point. Decided to try Pepcid, and if that doesn't work we will try Prevacid! That was about the extent of my appointment. Will continue with 2 week appointments until 35 weeks, then we will go to weekly!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

girl time upstairs

We were blessed with many visitors today. We started out our day with Nana and Papa coming, and then Jennie, Crystal and Kenadee joined us shortly after.

We were thrilled that Nana and Papa could squeeze us into their weekend because Ed wanted/needed Papa's help with the electrical in the basement. And his schedule in the coming weeks was a bit tight and would have held back our progress in the basement. So the boys worked in the basement (after Ed got home from work), while us ladies visited upstairs.

And of course I couldn't turn away my ladies from coming to visit, we love it when people come to see us. Rowan was thrilled with Kenadee being here. She was such a helper, and didn't get jealous when I held her either. She wanted to help Crystal feed her, and change her, and got her her pacifier when she needed it, or didn't need it. Oh, and tried out her carseat for awhile too. Very cute!
We all got to catch up, had some sandwiches and snacks for lunch, were entertained by the wee ones, and before we knew it, they were all on their way home. Can't forget the dogs too. Tula came along, so she and Gizmo romped around for awhile too. Good thing Miss Kenadee is used to a dog their size, and was such a trooper with all the dog kisses! Jennie on the other hand, still hasn't taken a liking to the furry friends, but tolerated them well. Despite the sneezing!

At some point someone asked Rowan to go get her Tinkerbell doll, and instead she came out dressed like Tinkerbell, complete with Elmo slippers! So excuse her clothing!

no more mom

why wouldn't someone want a picture of a goofball with purple goggles on! but i missed the photo opportunity, and just got a dirty look afterwards! i feel like she is laughing at me inside, for missing the perfect shot!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

the 'after' holiday celebration

Today we made our final trip of the winter back to Pewaukee for the Knutson Family Christmas. Last year I wasn't able to go because I had to work, so it was nice to see everyone! Breyson, Rowan and Sawyer were the center of entertainment most of the evening, until the Packer game started of course.
Grandma and Grandpa K got Rowan the ultimate gift, a Jessie doll, that talks! She was so excited, and hasn't let her out of her sight since she opened her. The kids were good helpers when it came to gift opening all afternoon.
Then Cousin Dan introduced Rowan and Breyson (aka Buzz and Woody) to his drum set in the basement. Big mistake! They both loved it. No one managed to hurt the other luckily! There sure were sticks flying though. Grandma and Grandpa K found Breyson and Sawyer Toy Story dress up clothes, so the kids took turns acting the part. Breyson showed us all how he plays Buzz, jumping off of a chair (with his eyes closed) so then Rowan had to try too! Kids I tell you!
After visiting, and watching the kids ham it up, we had a lovely meal, and then it was time to cheer on the Packers. We stayed until halftime and then headed home. Ed was up at 4am for work that morning (but him and Rowan napped on our way to Pewaukee while I drove), and had to work again on Sunday, so we couldn't stay for the entire game, although it was such a good game we would have liked to!

Hard to believe we won't have a trip scheduled for a few months now. We put enough miles and hours on in the car in the last month and a half, and I am getting to far along now to be galavanting around the state. So our next road trip we will have 2 carseats in the car!

chilly willy

Since we never get to see Daddy on the weekend anymore, Rowan and I were out shovelling at 8am this morning after the few more inches of snow we got overnight! Seems like every other day we are shovelling a few more inches. But Rowan needed to borrow Mom's scarf today, we aren't used to being out that early in the morning. But we had to get ready to head to Pewaukee for more presents, in January!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the little goldfish

...yes, it's true, we finally started swim lessons!

Ed and I had talked about how we would put Rowan in swim lessons when she was a baby before she was even born. And then true life happened, and after many excuses it just never got done. But finally we have done it.

And she loved it. She is in the Goldfish class at the YMCA here in Neenah. It is technically for 1-2 year olds, but if you haven't taken a class before, that is where you have to start. We were worried she was going to be way older than the rest of the kids, but she wasn't at all. There was maybe one that was around a year, and the rest were between 18 months and 30 months.

We sang a lot of songs, did some jumping and floating, played with a few toys, and before you knew it, the 30 minute class was over. Ed says that Rowan was the only one actually kicking and using her arms. So maybe we will sail right through to the next class. This class goes until the end of February, so not sure if we will chance the next session that goes right through my due date. If she continues to love it this much, I will feel bad stopping, and I would like to get as much accomplished before summer as possible! Then she will be a little fish in the water this summer.
The original plan was for Ed to do the class with her because I wasn't going to put on a swimsuit, but when the day arrived, I felt sad that I wasn't going to be able to do it with her, so I tried on the only swimsuit option I had, and it covered the belly, so I decided to do it with her. And of course Ed wasn't disappointed at all.

I will say, I hope we get used to the whole inconvenience of getting changed and dressed in the locker rooms. We used the family locker room, and it was very inconvenient. Good thing Ed was there to help or it would have been even worse. The floor in the showering/changing rooms are all wet, so it was nearly impossible to get changed and keep your clothes dry. And then by the actual lockers, there were just too many people. Inconvenient, is the only word I have for it. I'm sure we will figure out a system that works best.

Ed wasn't the best photographer either, he was shooting pictures from the viewing room, so perhaps next week we will bring the zoom lens! For pictures of Rowan of course, not me!

aunt manda

...came to visit today and spend the night while she is still on winter break! She taught Rowan a few new games on her phone, and then couldn't get it away from her. We didn't do much while she was here, we had to drag her to swim lessons with us, and then treated her to some ice cream on the way home. Otherwise we just hung out! It was nice to just catch up!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

more white stuff

enough said...

Monday, January 10, 2011

a day in the life

of a 2 1/2 year old girl...
when she is left alone for too long!
This is what you get when you leave Rowan in her room alone for too long. A swim diaper and a Tinkerbell dress. Oh and a Buzz cup that she won't let out of her sight! The imagination this girl has!

2 1/2 years old

sniffle, sniffle...

Official 1/2 birthday post and update to come later this week. Perhaps pictures without food in the mouth!

30 weeks

baby ticker is down to 70 days, unbelievable!
doctor visit next week!
had another dream last week that I birthed a very large baby boy?
would be thrilled with a boy, but not a very large one!