Monday, October 18, 2010

weekend in review & eighteen weeks

Not too much to report with pictures around this neck of the woods after the weekend. I worked 12 hour days friday, saturday, and sunday. So I was rather non-existent.

Friday, Ed and Rowan drove down to Nana and Papa's house to help move some beds around and help load Rowan's new bed into the neighbors truck for Nana and Papa to bring up for us. After they got everything all moved around, Nana and Papa followed Ed and Rowan back up here. Ed had to work Saturday morning too, so Nana and Papa were nice enough to bring the bed up, spend the night and watch Rowan for us on Saturday while the two of us worked. Then Nana and Papa headed home Saturday afternoon after Ed got home. Nana did bring Rowan's Halloween costume along all finished, but I am not going to share pictures until Halloween, sorry!

Saturday afternoon Ed painted the ceiling in Rowan's room (currently our entire house, walls and ceilings, are all tan) we have decided to paint them white as we paint rooms. So one coat done in Rowan's room, hopefully another this week sometime, and then wall painting friday maybe. If not next week, we have a busy weekend out of town again this weekend, so no painting will get done then!

Sunday was a lazy football day for Ed and Rowan, which was much needed and deserved! Rowan had a nice rash all over her body friday night too, so hoping it doesn't progress to much else. No other symptoms other than some crusty eyes occassionally in the morning. Cross our fingers!

And today (Monday) has been a lazy day for Rowan and I after a weekend full of working. My lack of napping the last 3 days has caught up with me. Sad, I know! I am supposed to have more energy now, not sure it has come yet! Might be the toddler chasing day in and day out!

Otherwise, 18 weeks today, not going to post a belly pic as I am not sure it has changed much. I will say, we have moved on to the maternity clothes, and hospital scrubs for sure after this weekend. Things are just a bit too snug these days. Why not be comfortable!

Ultrasound in 2 weeks, time is flying by!

1 comment:

Cora said...

I'm glad that you think that time is flying too, because I can hardly believe you are already 18 weeks!

I hope you get your naps back this week...3 twelves in a row when pregnant just isn't any fun at all.