Friday, October 8, 2010

rest stop, this exit

This morning Karen, Doug and Grace stopped by for a quick visit on their way to Pickerel. As usual, they came bearing gifts! Not for me of course! Rowan got a new Princess Tea Set, and a Halloween shirt/pants! In the hour they were here, Rowan managed to show them her swingset inside and out as well. Not many people get out of this house without playing outside with her! They enjoyed it. Karen took a few pictures, so I will post later if she shares them with me.

Speaking of Pickerel, a few weekends ago (Sept 25), my Grandparents were at my Mom and Bill's house for the weekend, so we made a surprise visit that Saturday morning. I forgot my camera at home, and my Mom didn't take any pictures, which is probably why I forgot to mention the trip altogether. We spent the day watching the Badger game, eating lunch, chasing Rowan inside and outside, my Mom baked some cookies at Ed's request, and I don't think she really left the kitchen the entire time we were there. Which would explain the lack of pictures! Anyway, they were all surprised to see us pull up, and enjoyed our visit. We were on the road home before dinner!

1 comment:

karen said...

We all enjoyed the short visit with you & Rowan! Even Doug!