Sunday, October 24, 2010

much family seen

Not really sure where to start with our eventful weekend of travel and family visited. The whole reason for our travels this weekend were for my cousin Jessie's Baby Shower on Saturday at 1pm in Mukwonago, and my future sister-in-laws Lingerie/Bachelorette Party Saturday at 6pm in Chicago.

So we left Saturday morning and first stopped at Nana and Papa's in Delafield. Originally Ed was going to go golfing with Papa while we were at the shower, but the weather didn't agree with that idea. So we just stopped to drop off Ed's clubs, and for a quick visit (Nana has been sick the last day or two and we didn't want to pick it up).

Then we headed to Karen and Doug's house to drop off Gizmo. They were nice enough to watch him for us while we were in Chicago. So another quick trip there.

Then it was off to Grandpa Kris' house (he was the only one home), for a quick visit and trick or treat! And boy did she get the treats! Nana, Papa, Karen and Doug had some chocolate for her too. But she only really kept her costume on long enough for pictures at Grandpa Kris' house. She hasn't wanted to take the thing off for the last week, and when we want her to wear it, she wants nothing to do with it!
Then after scoring some Halloween goodies, we headed to Mukwonago for the shower. Fashionably early, but we wanted to let the kids play, and visit before hand since we needed to leave by 3pm to head to Chicago. The shower was lovely. I really didn't do a great job of taking pictures this weekend. I don't even have a picture of Jessie (the guest of honor) Should have gotten a picture of her and I together, both pregnant, and me looking more pregnant than her. Not right! We played a couple of games, and snacked, and opened gifts and just visited. It was great to see everyone. Some people I hadn't seen since last Christmas! Rowan and Breyson played pretty good, no getting beat up this time. Well, actually, Rowan probably felt beat up by Sawyer instead. He was totally into Rowan, and was constantly crawling on my lap to get to her, and grabbing her face, and she would whine about his littlest touch! Such a girl. We might be in for a rude awakening when this baby comes! We will see!
Few things about Jessie and baby boy! She is due December 6th, having a boy obviously. And his name is going to be Bennett Michael! Very Cute!

Then we were on the road before 330pm to Chicago! As usual, the drive is fine until we are about 10 miles from our destination, and then the traffic is horrible and it takes us 30-40 min to go that 10 miles! We were lucky enough to stay in a furnished condo that Julie's sister-in-law Kelley lined up for us. So we met Blayne, Molly, Kieran and Grady there. Ordered some pizza for the men and kids to eat.

And then Molly, Jill, Jamie and I headed to the Lingerie shower that was in a different high rise on Lake Shore Drive. As I mentioned previously, I did horrible at taking pictures. But the view from the 60th floor condo in which the shower took place was amazing. I am hoping to get some pictures from other ladies that were there that night to share at a later date. After some snacks and wine, and lingerie gifts, and mingling, we headed to a champagne bar. Mingled some more, and then Molly and I headed back while the rest of the group went to a club! Didn't think shaking my pregnant belly at a club was really appropriate! But it was still midnight by the time we were back at the condo. Then we visited with Dusty and Papa who had joined the husbands and kids earlier, and then finally headed to bed.
This morning we were all up and out the door by 830am to meet Dusty and Papa for breakfast at Flat Top Grill, and to steal some items from Dusty's place. We have gotten back the Smith family recliner that seems to have made it's way around the family. We are super excited. I think it will be very handy with the baby! But it has it's place in our living room already! Dusty and Julie are going to be moving into Julie's condo just before the wedding (it is a 2 bedroom) and Julie's twin sister Jorie is going to be moving into Dusty's condo (1 bedroom), so Dusty had lots of stuff to get rid of with getting new stuff for wedding gifts. So I think all of us left with something of some sort! Mostly kitchen items! So we hung out at Dusty's place until about 1145am, then we all headed our separate ways. We were on our way home! 
We got home shortly after 3pm, and Ed was snoring in this recliner before 4pm! Granted it was brief, but he clearly is happy with the chair!


Cora said...

Sounds busy, busy, busy! Not what I was doing at 19 weeks preggo for sure!

And I LOVE R's costume. You do know how lucky you are that you get them made for you, right?

Tammy Sue said...

that is the cutest costume!! put me on the list to borrow it next halloween ; )

karen said...

That is an adorable Lion costume for Rowan!