Monday, October 11, 2010

seventeen weeks

Another week at the doctor. But fairly quick and painless. Blood pressure was fine 98/50, my usual. Weight on the other hand...gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. My doctor didn't comment, but I am feeling like that is too much. Perhaps I need to watch what I am eating and get moving a bit more! I need to look back at my pregnancy with Rowan and see if I am on the same track. Perhaps I am just going to have a bigger baby this time (Rowan was only 6# 7oz) Otherwise, had some blood drawn again. I feel like I am always being poked when I am there! This time we got to hear the babies heartbeat. The heartrate was 163! Again I need to compare to Rowan, but haven't looked back on the blog yet! Will keep you all posted! I know I shouldn't compare, but inquiring minds need to know! Back to the MD in 3 weeks for ultrasound! Hoping that previa has resolved!


Nicole said...

Glad you had a good appointment and baby is doing well in there. So nice to see that growing tummy :-) And 8lbs doesn't seem like too much. Even if you gain a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy, that's not too much of a wt gain. You're doing just fine! Keep up the good work and looking forward to the US pics and good news in a few weeks!

Cora said...

When you have that US in 3 weeks, you should have them look between the baby's legs!

Glad all is well so far. And I don't think that 8 lbs is too much. What's with all the lab work?

Katie said...

I agree with Cora...lets find out the gender! It seems like your pregnancy is going fast...I can't believe you are coming up on the big u/s very soon.

By 18 weeks I had gained 16lbs...I think you are doing just fine with the weight gain :)

Tammy Sue said...

we NEED to know!! boy or girl?? : )