Friday, October 29, 2010


Last night we squeezed in our pumpkin carving. We had thoughts of forgoing the carving this year, but we didn't buy pumpkins for nothing, and I need pictures to compare in years to come! We didn't do anything with the seeds because I was too lazy, and actually we didn't have a ton of seeds anyway. We actually had one of our four pumpkins with a rotten area, so clearly we waited a little too long. But Rowan had fun, and Ed carved 3 pumpkins to my 1! Oh well!
They looked fun all lit up. Was a chilly night, so we bundled Rowan up for a few pictures before heading to bed.

2 comments: said...

Great designs! I'm impressed! Looks like Rowan had fun...that's all that's important!

Tammy Sue said...

Cool pumpkins!! You needed to paint your belly!! Get on it!! And back date it ; )