Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I felt the babies first movement last night while trying to fall asleep, very subtle, but definitely baby and not gas! Perhaps I shouldn't have had that soda while studying for my PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) class this week, baby wasn't ready for bed like I was!


Cora said...


It's starting to feel as though I am hosting a wrestling match in my belly right now. I just LOVE those first soft flutters. Congrats!

Nicole said...

Oh, Megan, that's so exciting! Cherish every little movement :)

carolyn said...

so exciting! i can't believe you are already 18+ weeks...time is flying by. i miss you! can you move back to milwaukee please??

Lisa said...

I second Carolyn's motion!

Crystal said...

Wow! I remember that feeling! Super exciting! I haven't heard from you so I hope that all is well!