Tuesday, October 26, 2010

24 hours

without a pacifier/nuk!

Rowan hasn't had a pacifier in her possession since yesterday morning when she woke up. This weekend it was proposed by my sister-in-law that maybe being in the big girl bed is the time to ditch the nuk! So I thought I would give it a try. So far so good, I think? Today she hasn't even asked for it...yet!

Yesterday she napped without it, granted it was more difficult for her to settle in for a nap and I ended up laying with her for about 10 minutes until she was asleep. But she did it. Then we met my Aunt Karen in Lomira (45 min drive- one way) to get Gizmo (we didn't have room for him on Sunday with a recliner in the truck) and she made it the whole ride there and back without a nuk. Although, holy talker! She didn't shut up the entire ride. But I will take it! Then last night I again laid with her for a short while to get her to fall asleep, but it wasn't bad at all. BUT, she was up at 11p, 230a, and 545a. At 11p, I heard her so I went into her room and laid with her to keep her in her bed. Then at 230a I just took her back into her room and laid with her again, and at 545a, she was allowed to just come into our bed, and didn't go back to sleep, although sometimes she does. So I guess now I need to learn how to get her to stay in her bed! We can lock her in her room, but listening to her cry in the middle of the night is more work then taking her back to her bed in my mind, we will see what tonight brings! She didn't exactly stay in her toddler bed great every night either!


Nicole said...

Now she's going to be all set for the new baby :-) Hope each night gets a little better!!!

Cora said...

Way to go Big Sister Rowan!