Monday, October 4, 2010

sixteen weeks

It's okay for a pregnant woman to write about food, right?

I have decided that my craving right now is homemade soup! Last weekend (maybe it was 2 weekends ago now, losing track) Ed made Chili, and it was fabulous, I didn't want it to end, and actually asked him to make more this weekend. But instead he made Vegetable Beef. And it has been just as delightful! If anyone has any good recipes for soup, send them my way!
 This is what Rowan's lip looked like yesterday, the swelling has gone down alot, and now it is mainly bruising and little scabs!
Not much to share about the weekend. Ed worked on Saturday morning, and I worked Saturday and Sunday night. So Sunday was a day of relaxation, football and soup preparation for Rowan and Ed, and sleeping for me. Nothing new on the baby front this week. I have an MD appointment next Monday, so will post more belly pics with that info then!


Nicole said...

Helpful to have healthy cravings! And soup is the best on chilly days! Happy 16 weeks...time seems to be flying by. Hope Rowan continues to heal quickly!

Tammy Sue said...

No kidding! Your pregnancy is flying! And soup is tasty ;) Chicken tortilla is my favorite!! Glad your feeling good enough to eat!