Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Children's Hospital of WI-FV

Well I finally finished working my 5 (12 hours shifts) out of the last 7 days, and man am I ready for a break! But, I am actually enjoying my job. I am so happy to say that, especially since I might be out of options here in the Fox Valley!

So, when following the orientation plan they have developed for new hires, I am technically in week 4, but if you look at what I have actually been doing on a day to day basis, I am in week 9. So let's just say I am on the accelerated program. I offered to take the oscillator yesterday (aka the sickest baby in the unit), but they didn't think jumping from convalescing babies to that was the right transition. Needless to say, I should definitely be done with orientation by the end of July, which is what they have me scheduled through right now. I just need to prove my competence and learn the way they do things. The NICU has been busy by their standards, and is finally starting to slow down. I hope this continues so I am not working mandatory right away when I am off orientation. I am looking forward to working part time. I haven't been able to finish an orientation since living here at this point! I am having a hard time remembering the way they do things because I am so used to doing what I did at St. Joe's. There really aren't that many big differences (I would list them all, but not many readers would understand) but enough to confuse me sometimes.

That is my story.

On Ed's end of the working world...he is finally done working 10 hour shifts, but we still don't know when he will start his new position. He at least knows they have started interviewing people to fill his position. So hopefully soon!

Sorry, no pictures to share...will have plenty after the holiday weekend!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Crazy face...

I took this photo on my phone the other day when we were outside, and it just makes me laugh, so I had to share it. She always scrunches up her nose when she smiles now, and she looks so goofy, you can't help but give her a big squeeze and smile back!

Friday, June 25, 2010

ArTwOrK uPdAtE...

Rowan brought home some more artwork from daycare this week. She had a few more Father's Day goodies for Ed, and some other paintings! Too cute!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sun Buddies...

Another wonderful day out in the sun, spending some time in the pool along with the constant watering of the growing grass! Rowan also had her shovel out to play in the mud puddles at the end of the driveway as a result of the run off of water from the grass!
Rowan is always wanting to kiss, hug, push, pat, or whatever else to Gizmo. And he is usually running away from her. She always has to give him a kiss before she goes to bed. And whenever we do something with him, she has to do it too...don't even try taking him out to the bathroom without her either! It is very cute! In the bottom right picture of the collage, you can see Gizmo has his eyes on her, not sure what she is going to do to him next! Poor Guy!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

House updates...

Just a few pictures to share some of the additions in the last month or so, and our progress outside! We have curtains in the living room, Rowan's room and our room. We have added some greenery and decor, but have much more to go. But it is continuing to come together.
This is what our grass looks like so far. Very patchy. Lots of room for improvement. We actually put down some of our own seed and straw this last week too. I took these photos beforehand. So we will see how that works. But of course it rained the night we put that down too, so not sure what washed away. I think our lawn is going to be a neverending project. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the abundance of 4 legged friends we have around our house. Appartently the toads have procreated in the water across the street, because we have tons of little toads hopping in our yard and in our driveway. I have noticed many of them getting in the way of our tires when we are driving as well, sorry little toads. Rowan and Gizmo together like to torment the little things too!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010...

These photos sum up most of our Father's Day...

We washed our cars by hand, inside and out! We don't do that much. And we relaxed, watched some World Cup, played with bubbles...not much out of the ordinary. It was nice to be lazy for part of the day since we were gone all day yesterday!

I had to get a picture of Rowan on the phone. She always plays with our phone, pretends like she is talking to someone, but then the minute someone is actually on the other end, she wants nothing to do with it, and runs away!

Ed got a personal coffee mug from Rowan (courtesy of daycare)! It turned out really cute!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pre-Party with Grandparents...

We decided to make a day of our trip to Oconomowoc and visit Grandparents and deliver Father's Day gifts as well.

We started at Papa and Nana's house. Mallory (lives behind them) came to visit, Rowan loved to see her when we lived there, she always made her smile. We played on our swing set (still stuck in their yard due to our lack of grass), visited with Nana and Papa, saw Gail, and then were off to Grandma and Grandpa Kris' house.
Played some chalk and bubbles, and ball too. Got to look at the pool, but at 72 degrees, we weren't going in, not to mention we didn't have the time this trip. Maybe next time. Uncle Mitchell was showing off his new license, and trying to get me to sell him my truck! Man do I wish I could sell it to him and get something different, but it just isn't in the cards right now!
After a few short visits, we are off to party with the clowns!

Circus Party Craziness...

WARNING- This post is very picture heavy....

Today we were in Oconomowoc for Lily Pearl's 1 1/2 year birthday party! Due to her birthday being in December, they decided to wait until summer to throw this 1 year birthday bash! And man can the Woida family throw a party. I am a bit disappointed because my pictures really don't do the party justice. I missed pictures of the cupcakes (100+) and the prize area, and probably lots of other things too. But you will get the idea!

Sorry about the lack of order of my collages too. There were too many to try to organize them, so I will just explain underneath them...
Duff the Clown...Rowan's 1st Clown encounter ever, and she did great. Even stood still long enough to have a butterfly looking creature drawn on her arm!
Rowan seemed to be more interested in the non-circus items at times. Like the swings, she has been on plenty of swings, but she sure hogged the baby swing! And the tunnel, she has one at home (even if it is in the basement out of sight), and she spent many minutes in that thing too. Flirting with Jack on the monkey bars, such a girl!
So, there was a photo booth to dress like a clown! These are most of the kids we knew there. Maya, Mason, Alex, Hadley, Ella, ROWAN, Maya (again), Amelia, Noah and Jack!
And us big people: oh and Rowan, Cora, Me, Jodi, Heidi, Lisa, and Michelle!
And all of Rowan!
Here are some random pictures of the party experience, and the extreme measures Amy took to live out the circus life! Oh, and there is Lily too! Little clown girl!
Rowan did actually get in to some of the games. She didn't realize that you won tickets, and could them turn them in for prizes, she just had fun doing whatever she was supposed to do. Usually not in the right manner, but she didn't care. Most of the 'carneys' didn't care either.
Rowan played in the sandbox, she really hasn't been around sand in a long time to remember what it was like. And there is Miss Birthday Girl, all dressed up for the party!
All in all, it was a lovely day for a party. A bit windy, but no rain. We didn't stay for all of the festivites since we were in town early in the day, and we were hoping for Rowan to nap on the way home. So we missed out on the pie eating contest, bingo, and karaoke! Perhaps I will be able to borrow a few photos from Lisa to sum up the areas I missed!
Thanks for having us Amy and Doug, it was a blast! Happy belated Birthday Lily!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Keep 'em Coming...

just isn't even July yet and Rowan has birthday presents rolling in already!

truly, Rowan doesn't need anything for her birthday. She has plenty of toys, so many that I have been thinking about packing some away because there are too many around the house. I've even resorted to saying she could use clothes or shoes, which many would argue she doesn't need either. Oh well, she is little and enjoys opening presents, and deserves to be spoiled while she can be!

On another note, Karen and Doug stopped by today on their way up to Pickerel to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Blodgett for Father's Day. They came bearing gifts (bubbles, sandals, an outfit, and a flower sucker too!) Of course they didn't forget dog treats for Gizmo (the child they never had) and they took us out to lunch too. We appreciate them taking time out of their trip to stop and visit. They were used and abused by Rowan and her puzzles, and her nap time game. She always makes us (and visitors apparently) lay down on a pillow and she covers us/them up with her blankets, and then she rubs/pats/slaps our backs while we 'fall asleep'. This is the regimen they have a daycare for naptime. I am sure their back rubs are a bit more gentle than hers!
Then, tonight the Big Brown Truck dropped off a package for Rowan too! Grandma and Grandpa Bill ordered her a Rolling Duffel bag to match her preschool backpack from PotteryBarn Kids! I think I am more excited about it than her. But she got to open it right away so that she can pack her stuff in it for up north over the 4th of July! I will have no problem filling it for her!

I have a video of Ed and Rowan popping bubble wrap with Rowan's butt on my phone, but haven't gotten it transferred to YouTube yet! It is hilarious! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No more nights alone...

I survived my last 3 day stint in Milwaukee for Children's orientation. Barely. The days this week seemed much longer than last week, and the nights alone in my hotel room even more lonely!

I will say, one perk to being there was getting to catch up with friends. Monday night I went to dinner with my long lost St. Joe's friends, a few of them anyway. Cora, Lisa, Nicole, Carolyn, Amy and I had dinner at Carabba's. It was so nice to see the pregnant ladies up and about (both on bedrest or some modified version of, Cora and Nicole) and get caught up on all the St. Joe's drama! Tuesday night my sister saved me from the lonely hotel and we did some shopping at Mayfair (more like window shopping, we didn't buy much), got a pedicure, and had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. It was a lovely relaxing night of catching up with her as well.

Finally, on Wednesday I got to come home! Next week I will start working on the floor finally and get back to reality a bit. Haven't decided if that is good or bad yet, I think good.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Watermelon mess...

Rowan lovers herself some watermelon! And of course she would rather eat the big hunks and let the juice leak down her chin and all over the place, than the smaller pieces that I cut for her. Oh well, that is one battle not worth fighting. Just makes for more spot treatment of the clothing! Don't know where she picked up that ham of a smile!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just like Dad...

Rowan is quite the helper these days. She mocks everything we do, and wants to do it herself.

Here she is helping Ed open his birthday gifts last night. He could barely get the card away from her to read himself. She is naked because she got so messy during dinner, that we just removed her clothes before eating ice cream cake. Good thing, because she decided to use her hands to eat it. Pictures below!
The frame that Ed is holding up are his tickets to a Brewers Game in August for Friday's Front Row! I will give my Mom credit for that idea. So we went in on it together and she ordered them! Apparently Ed has always wanted to do that at a game, and it will probably be the only Brewer game we make it to this year! It isn't as convenient now that we like in Neenah!
Oh, we also got Ed a new XBox 360 game, so him and Rowan have been playing that the last 2 days. This is the first time I think Ed has played XBox 360 in over a year! Boy how I haven't missed it!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's about time...

In addition to today being Ed's birthday and Rowan turning 23 months old, our lawn was finally completed! A week after they started grading our yard, they returned to finish the project. We had 3 trees planted and grass seed put down. This particular company does hydroseed, so you don't use straw, and it holds moisture better. That is why the dirt looks green!

23 Months Old...

Hard to believe that Rowan is going to be 2 in just a month...

Time sure has flown by. When I look back at when I used to take monthly pictures of her, I realize how much easier it was at the time and that would explain how I was able to do that. Now it is impossible to get her to sit still, much less smile on command!

Happy Birthday Husband/Daddy...

Happy 28th Birthday to the best Husband/Daddy ever....

Rowan and I got to visit Ed at work today for the 1st time! And we took him out to lunch for his birthday after he showed Rowan off to his co-workers.

Although...they won't be his co-workers for long...

Ed has accepted a new job within OshKosh Corporation!!!!

He is going to be a Materials Specialist. His responsibilities will be similar to what they were when he worked for Pentair in Brookfield. He will work in a different location in OshKosh, only a couple miles difference. He has increased to the next pay catagory, and will have a new boss! YIPEE!! We aren't sure when all of this change will be happening for sure, but hopefully sooner than later.

Apparently we aren't happy with just 1 job around here! Always looking for something bigger and better!

Sorry, no photos to share right now. You know I don't like a post without pictures! Hopefully I will have some pictures to share later on after we do gifts and cake!

FYI,Rowan will be 2 in exactly one month! Yikes...

Oh, and on a last note, our grass should finally be planted by the end of today. Photos to come before the rain!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A long 3 days...

So, along with a new nursing job, comes orientation. The 3 jobs I have had usually consisted of maybe 1 or 2 days of hospital wide orientation. Not this one though. Children's Hospital and Health Systems has a total of 6 days of RN orientation, hospital wide!

So the last 3 days I was stuck in Milwaukee for orientation, and I have to go back next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for more! CHHS is very accommodating in that, they either transport us there and back or rent us a car to drive, and they pay for our hotel. For people like me, with a husband and a daughter, it isn't convenient to be stuck away from home for 3 days. But I did survive. Didn't help that I was leaving 2 sick persons behind either. But they survived too.

Monday night, when my orientation day was over, I was able to hang out with Cora and Lisa. Cora was nice enough to come pick me up (we don't have transportation beyond the hotel shuttle that only takes you within a 5 mile radius) and we went to Lisa's so that Amelia, Maya and Mason could play, and I could help Lisa with an art project! When this was all done, Cora, Lisa, and I headed to Jose's Blue Sombrero for dinner and girl time! It was very nice. It was the 1st dinner in I don't know how long where I didn't have to shovel my food and run with a toddler in tow! (Oh, I almost forgot, Cora was toting a little being with her too, I think a little boy! Time will tell when we the ultrasound date approaches!)

Tuesday night, my Aunt Karen rescued me from the hotel in the rain, and took me to dinner and to visit Crystal, Garrett and Kenadee! It was a lovely visit for all of us. Kenadee is super cute, and looks just like her mom and dad. I personally think they look alike, so I can't say she looks like one more than another.

Then Wednesday it was finally time to head home. I got home about 615pm, had some dinner, did some laundry and spent some time with my family that missed me dearly. So happy to be home.

I didn't get any pictures of the girls at dinner Monday night, but got a few of Kenadee and family. Koda (the spelling of her name escapes me right now, sorry Crystal!) was such a good doggy when we were there too. She was great with Kenadee.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Desiree and Teagan...

My dear friend Desiree and her family are inbetween living spaces and staying in WI for a few weeks with her parents, so she took time out to come visit us today. They are in the process of moving from California to Virginia courtesy of the Coast Guard and her husband Erin! Erin spent the day with his dad between Door County and Green Bay, so Desiree and Teagan came to Neenah to visit and see our new place! He has changed so much since I saw him last. So much fun, and happy and smiley; despite the reflux, and teeth popping through! Rowan was pretty good helper with him too, maybe a bit aggressive with the rocking, but overall very interested and helpful!
It was great to visit with them and get caught up! Maybe we will be able to visit them on the East Coast sometime! Add it to our list of wants!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kenadee Grace Grulke...

Garrett and Crystal welcomed Kenadee today at 3:07pm
She was 8lbs 2oz and 20 1/2 inches long! All are doing well!

1st Playdate in Neenah...

Andi, Breyson and Sawyer came to visit for the 1st time yesterday! Rowan and Breyson had just about every toy she owns out and about throughout the house. But they were having fun. Sawyer was one with the camera! Super cute.

We weren't able to make it to Breyson's 2nd birthday party last month, so we had his gift for him when he was here! And he brought is Bug Party favor for Rowan too. She carries the bug catcher with her all over the house now. That and her naked baby are her 2 favorites of the last day or two! It was very nice to catch up with Andi and let the kids play.

It's a start...

Our yard is a work in progress...

...the landscape company was here most of the day yesterday grading our yard, and that is about as far as they got. They said that this is the worst 'rough grade' they have ever seen. So it took them longer than normal. They were supposed to be back this morning to finish the seeding, but since it rained so much in OshKosh last night, they assumed it would be too wet here in Neenah to do any work, so they didn't come. They quickly learned that it wasn't too wet, and they very well could have had our lawn done today. But NO! We are a little bitter if you couldn't tell. Hopefully it will get done tomorrow, weather permitting of course.