Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sun, Skirts, and Ice Cream...

The warmest day yet in Neenah! Rowan and I did some errand running in the morning, and then headed to a new park in the afternoon to try out the play equipment. The downfall of slides when it is sunny and warm....they are super hot to the touch. So Rowan needed help to get down quickly in order to not fry her legs! But she had fun.
And it just wouldn't be right to head straight home on a warm day, passing up A&W without ice cream! Rowan is sort of new to the ice cream in a cone, but she loves the independence! CAn't say I love the mess too much, but she does pretty well with it! Hopefully we will get to check out another new playground later in the week!

1 comment:

suefarleysmith@gmail.com said...

You need to get the Schwann man to come to your new home so you can get some "popples"!!