Friday, May 28, 2010

Owies and Ponies...

Rowan had her 1st pony tail in today! I finally bought some hair things that were small enough for her lack of hair. And it is finally long enough to fit in a pony tail! She even left it in for a short while. Her hair obviously has a ways to go in regards to length, but it is a start!

Rowan has been big into running down the driveway, and usually into the street too. And lately her body seems to get ahead of her little feet, and she therefore has developed a few road rashes. Today she wasn't strong enough to break her fall with her hands, and managed to get her forehead into it as well as both knees. Nothing a little water and Barbie bandaids can't fix! She thinks they are pretty neat! Of course the 'ukie' helps with the tears too!

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