Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend trip to MI...

We started our venture to Grand Rapids friday afternoon. We were headed to Grand Rapids to do a run/walk on Saturday morning with the Smith Family! We stayed in a hotel friday night because Papa's condo isn't big enough for all of us to stay. But we then were able to have a pool and room for the kids to run around too. We met for dinner friday night after our drive and then pretty much headed off to bed shortly thereafter.
Only the runners ended up participating on Saturday because the weather was cold and wet. Not ideal for us to be walking 3 miles with the kids. Papa wouldn't get in the group photo; so it was Ed II, Ed III, Dusty, Blayne and Molly that ran! They did great! They all finished and were happy with their times! Rowan and I walked to the starting line with them, and then waited for them outside of Papa's condo at about mile 5 to cheer them on! Rowan even met a doggy friend while we were waiting for them to run by!

Otherwise, Nana, Julie and I had kid duty while the others ran! Kieran and Rowan watched some cartoons, did some coloring and puzzles, ate some snacks, and ran sacked Papa's condo!
After the run, we headed back to the hotel to clean up and sneak in some swimming. Kieran and Rowan loved it. After swimming we headed out for lunch and then back in the car to trek back to St. Joe's to Blayne and Molly's house!
We spent Saturday night at Blayne and Molly's house. The kids were happy to have toys and running room again. We ordered some pizza, played some pictionary (pretty sure the women beat the men again), and just relaxed. There were plenty of sore muscles after that 6 mile run. Not to mention Rowan has a cold, so she didn't sleep well friday night. So she was happy to be free and playing.
Sunday morning we headed home. KB was not feeling well, and we didn't want Rowan to catch it, so we were back on the road before lunch time. We made great time getting home and were able to catch a nap and relax before the start of the next work week.
Here we all are! It isn't often we are all able to get together like this, so we needed to photograph it. Next time might not be until Dusty and Julie's wedding in November! Can't wait!

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