Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day...

We started out the morning by heading to the Neenah/Menasha Memorial Day Parade. I think Rowan enjoyed it for the most part. Turns out she was afraid of the bands. When the first band came by she headed behind us and into her wagon to sit with her 'ukie'. She would venture back out inbetween bands, but usually head back when one would return. She would dance to the music, but not want to get out, even if you were going to hold her. Our one and only mistake was sitting near the end of the parade route. NO one had any candy left! We were lucky enough to stay dry. It actually didn't rain at all here today, but was overcast on and off. Near the end of the parade, they had a dog riding in a remote control truck, pretty funny!
After the parade we came home and had lunch, took naps, and then headed to a new park for Rowan to play. And that was the extent of our day for the most part. It was a nice weekend at home.

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