Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stomping back...

Yesterday Rowan and I took a trip back towards our old stomping grounds to meet up with some friends and family.

We started the day at the Milwaukee County Zoo, with Andrea and the boys (Breyson and Sawyer), and Desiree and Teagan! Desi and Teagan were in town from CA visiting and house hunting (no not in WI, they will be relocating in June to Virginia) It turned out to be a wonderful day to spend at the zoo. A bit breezy at times, but overall beautiful. The kids were all well behaved, and us mommys got some time to chat and catch up. Not quite as much socializing as we were used to before having kids, but we managed!
We were in the lion exhibit right when the female was super close to the glass, so got a few fun pictures of Rowan and Breyson with the lion! Sort of scary that close up!

Age recap: Breyson 22 months, Rowan 20 months, Sawyer 4 months, Teagan 3 months!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I'm so jealous that I wasn't with you guys :( Sounds like you all had fun. Promise that once I'm a mommy that you'll go with me and baby Kenadee to the Zoo!