Thursday, March 18, 2010

The devil aka step stool...

This is how much Rowan loves using her stool, washing her hands, playing in water....
These are the looks I get when I turn the water off, drain the sink, put the stool away!
She always wants the stool, she carries it from place to place to use it, but usually gets into lots of trouble with it too! Water everywhere, clothing soaked, has tried to put it in front of the stove (when things are cooking), in the middle of everything going on in the kitchen. So we frequently hide it in the laundry room, or put it up on the counter when we don't want her to use it, or whenever we leave the room! Starting to wish it would disappear, but she loves it too much!

1 comment:

molly and blayne said...

Don't worry Rowan - we have an extra step stool here for you to use! And Aunt Molly won't say no to you either!