Sunday, April 5, 2009

The MI Easter Bunny...

Apparently the Michigan Easter bunny delivers a bit early....

Papa Ed and Nana Sue stopped over this afternoon to deliver Rowan's Easter basket, as Papa won't be coming home next weekend from MI as Nana is going to be travelling to MI to visit. So they decided to come this weekend instead. Rowan got some Puffs, sunglasses, eggs filled with change (sorry, no sweets this year), a Packer sippy cup, and lots of candy for Mom and Dad!

Papa even managed to bring home a few goodies from Uncle Blayne, Aunt Molly and Cousin Kieran. Rowan got her first Tutu! I have been eyeing them up since she was born, but I was trying to hold out until she was walking! She also got some Gerber snacks, bubbles, and a DVD!

This morning, she also got an outfit and a pink stuffed bunny from Karen and Doug, they watched Gizmo for us yesterday when we were travelling to Chicago. Everyone is so thoughtful!

1 comment:

Molly said...

And for the record, Kieran totally tried on that tutu. No photographic evidence was taken since he cried like a girl when he had it on. ;-)