Tuesday, April 21, 2009

9 Month Stats...

Rowan was at the doctor today for her 9 month check up.

Finally, no shots this time. We are all up to date, so we get one visit off. 12 Months will be another story, sorry honey!

Rowan now weighs 18 pounds 7 Ounces (50th percentile)
She is 29 inches long (90th percentile)
I don't remember her head measurement, but she is in the 50th percentile. I asked them to write it down for me, because every hat I try on her that is 6-12 months, is huge. So I was curious if her head was small. But it isn't, they just don't make sun hats very adequate!

That was really all that was interesting. We saw a different pediatrician in the group because our primary pediatrician has been gone as his wife is terminally ill. I missed him being there, he is way more in depth and has much more to say than this woman did. Oh well, hopefully he will be back soon!

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