Friday, April 17, 2009

Bad Dog, Bad, Bad Dog

For the first time in his 4 years of life, Gizmo decided to run away. Granted, he was only gone for 20 minutes, it seemed like an eternity.

Here is how the morning went, no different than any other morning.

Rowan was awake at 630am, so I got her changed and fed her. Then I put her on the floor to play, and let Gizmo out the back door, and I went to brush my teeth (Ed left for work at 630am). Then I come back when I am done, open door and yell Gizmo's name since he isn't waiting at the door to come in, and couldn't see him in the yard. After yelling his name several times, walking out onto the patio and looking and yelling, back in the house, go to the front door to make sure he didn't go there, or wasn't in the front yard. No sign of the dog. So I spend a few more minutes yelling for him before I start bawling and panicing.

So I call Ed, hoping he isn't in work yet. He tells me it is fine and that he will come back. I don't believe him. He says I should go look for him. So I bundle up Rowan and off walking out the back door we go. The fence in our back yard stops behing the neighbors house and makes a 90 degree turn down parallel to Merton Ave, so I thought maybe he chased something that way. So we walk down a few houses in peoples back yards, no luck, so we turn around and go back. Keep in mind I am yelling his name and whistling and it isn't even 7am (I am sure I made a lot of friends). So my next plan is to pack up some essentials for Rowan and get in the car and drive around. So we are all loaded up, in the car, back out of the garage, and I don't even get out of the drive way, and the little shit appears in the front yard! It was difficult to yell at him through the tears, but he learned his lesson since he has had his shock collar on since!

Of course his paws were all muddy, so he got a bath too. I was not happy.

Let me tell you though, you don't realize how much you miss something or someone until it is gone! I am so happy he came back, I felt like a terrible mother!

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