Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Cake...

Sunday we went to the Knutson household in Waukesha to celebrate Kelsie's Confirmation. It was a nice little gathering. Rowan loved the frosting that Grandma Julie was sharing with her! Too bad the weather wasn't better for them, but there was plenty of room between the house and the garage!

Monday, April 27, 2009

More Presents...

for Uncle Mitch!

We had dinner Saturday night for Mitchell's birthday. Rowan helped him open his gifts, and she even had some ice cream cake too. She was full of her hammy smiles! We got to see Grandma Simonson as well! She got a kick out of Rowan!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

March for Babies 2009...

Well, we decided not to attend the walk after all, and by the sounds of it, it was a good decision. It doesn't sound like much walking got accomplished because it stormed right after the walk started. But either way, we supported our team financially which is the important part. And I work my shirt to work Friday night and got many many compliments on it. The shirt is pink, but I made the pictures black and white because I was looking a bit rough after working all night.
Since it is hard to read, the front said, I Love Saving Babies! Rowan's t-shirt kept getting stuck on her budda belly, so it was difficult to read. It was still super cute!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Shopping with Dad...

So apparently this is what happens when it is 80 degrees outside and Rowan spends the day with her dad. Mom wakes up to a new toy for Rowan! Dad took Rowan shopping and they got a Water Table for the yard, and even some new shoes! I don't ever want to hear that I buy her too many pairs of shoes. Ed commented on how her shoes didn't match her outfit last week, and I said that those were the only ones she had, that fit her. So he decided to buy her some white tennies, they are cute. He did a good job. This is also Rowan's new smile. She scrunches her nose and shows all her teeth. She is such a ham!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rowan's New Friend...

Rowan found a new friend yesterday in our guest bedroom. I think it was the first time she noticed the mirrored dressers. So she was standing in front of them smiling at herself, she even tried to give her friend on the other side a kiss. Super cute!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

9 Month Stats...

Rowan was at the doctor today for her 9 month check up.

Finally, no shots this time. We are all up to date, so we get one visit off. 12 Months will be another story, sorry honey!

Rowan now weighs 18 pounds 7 Ounces (50th percentile)
She is 29 inches long (90th percentile)
I don't remember her head measurement, but she is in the 50th percentile. I asked them to write it down for me, because every hat I try on her that is 6-12 months, is huge. So I was curious if her head was small. But it isn't, they just don't make sun hats very adequate!

That was really all that was interesting. We saw a different pediatrician in the group because our primary pediatrician has been gone as his wife is terminally ill. I missed him being there, he is way more in depth and has much more to say than this woman did. Oh well, hopefully he will be back soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lovely day at the Park...

Finally the weather was nice enough to be outside yesterday, without long sleeves and warm hats! Rowan loved swinging in the swing, and going down the slide a couple times. And we couldn't get her to let go of the monkey bars. Poor girl with no hair, needed a hat to ward off sunburn on her first day in the sun in a long time! I finally found a hat that fit, although I think I had to buy 3-6 months. Oh well. Looks cute!

Despite the dog being naughty in the morning, we brought him along too. He behaved very well and enjoyed the fresh air as well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bad Dog, Bad, Bad Dog

For the first time in his 4 years of life, Gizmo decided to run away. Granted, he was only gone for 20 minutes, it seemed like an eternity.

Here is how the morning went, no different than any other morning.

Rowan was awake at 630am, so I got her changed and fed her. Then I put her on the floor to play, and let Gizmo out the back door, and I went to brush my teeth (Ed left for work at 630am). Then I come back when I am done, open door and yell Gizmo's name since he isn't waiting at the door to come in, and couldn't see him in the yard. After yelling his name several times, walking out onto the patio and looking and yelling, back in the house, go to the front door to make sure he didn't go there, or wasn't in the front yard. No sign of the dog. So I spend a few more minutes yelling for him before I start bawling and panicing.

So I call Ed, hoping he isn't in work yet. He tells me it is fine and that he will come back. I don't believe him. He says I should go look for him. So I bundle up Rowan and off walking out the back door we go. The fence in our back yard stops behing the neighbors house and makes a 90 degree turn down parallel to Merton Ave, so I thought maybe he chased something that way. So we walk down a few houses in peoples back yards, no luck, so we turn around and go back. Keep in mind I am yelling his name and whistling and it isn't even 7am (I am sure I made a lot of friends). So my next plan is to pack up some essentials for Rowan and get in the car and drive around. So we are all loaded up, in the car, back out of the garage, and I don't even get out of the drive way, and the little shit appears in the front yard! It was difficult to yell at him through the tears, but he learned his lesson since he has had his shock collar on since!

Of course his paws were all muddy, so he got a bath too. I was not happy.

Let me tell you though, you don't realize how much you miss something or someone until it is gone! I am so happy he came back, I felt like a terrible mother!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breyson visits...

Yesterday Breyson, Andrea and Crystal came over for lunch and to visit. Rowan and Breyson are more and more fun together every day. He still has the upper hand and tends to beat up on her a bit, but she is learning to defend herself. No major owies were had by either.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter & 9 months old...

Finally, it is Easter, and Rowan can wear her Easter dress. She looked super cute, but boy is it a pain to crawl in a dress. So we took if off after our trip to Gma and Gpa Knutson's house.

Rowan got her basket this morning, filled with finger paints and paper, a new sippy cup, some yogurt melts, and a new touch and feel book.

A 9 Month update to come after we see the doctor later this month. Only thing new, a 4th tooth is peeking thru, one of her front teeth! Looking forward to many crabby days to come!

Furry Easter Friend...

Today we visited Gma and Gpa Knutson, and the Easter bunny stopped there for Rowan too. She got a super cute furry catepillar (at least that is what I think it is!). She also got some bubbles and a new spring/summer dress! Aunt Amanda played bubbles with Rowan before she went to work too. Thank you to everyone that bought Rowan an Easter gift, we really appreciate it!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Generous Easter Bunny...

The Easter bunny has been very generous this year, and it isn't even Easter yet!

Today, Grama and Gpa Bremberger stopped by and brought Rowan (and us even!) her easter basket filled with goodies. She got some puffs, some yogurt melts (her absolute favorite), some fruit, and Baby Signing Times DVDs (sign language DVDs that I have been eyeing up). Rowan was very interested in the grass in the basket, but not too sure about it. She was very excited when Gma opened up her treats to share!

Tomorrow is Easter, we will see if the Easter bunny has anything else to share with Rowan!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Party...

Yesterday, Rowan and I attended an Easter Party with all the kids. We enjoyed some brunch, and an egg hunt (we just watched the other kids), and lots of playtime. Rowan had a good time and was very good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Still best buds...

I am so thankful that Gizmo is so tolerant of Rowan, and that she loves him so much. I hope this continues, because she is going to give him an even harder time as she gets older!

Rowan bunny and her eggs...

Since you never can have enough pictures of a cute little bunny, I took some more. I decided to put our colored eggs in the basket and let her play, probably a mistake, we ended up with a few cracked eggs when she was done. Oh well, no harm done. She enjoyed putting the cold eggs in her mouth too of course, everything goes in the mouth!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Coloring Eggs...

Well, technically I guess this is Rowan's first time coloring easter eggs, but I am not so sure it really counts. We definitely didn't let her get her hands in the coloring of the eggs, she observed, and then played with the eggs after they were dyed. Next year she can get her hands in on the action.This basket I got courtesy of my fellow friend at work, her mom sent her with some goodies for us at work in this basket, and she let me have it! I had the hardest time picking out a basket for Rowan this year, so I ordered it online (pictures to come after the Easter bunny delivers it of course) and then Carolyn comes to work with this super cute basket, so I had to have it! Thanks Carolyn!

The MI Easter Bunny...

Apparently the Michigan Easter bunny delivers a bit early....

Papa Ed and Nana Sue stopped over this afternoon to deliver Rowan's Easter basket, as Papa won't be coming home next weekend from MI as Nana is going to be travelling to MI to visit. So they decided to come this weekend instead. Rowan got some Puffs, sunglasses, eggs filled with change (sorry, no sweets this year), a Packer sippy cup, and lots of candy for Mom and Dad!

Papa even managed to bring home a few goodies from Uncle Blayne, Aunt Molly and Cousin Kieran. Rowan got her first Tutu! I have been eyeing them up since she was born, but I was trying to hold out until she was walking! She also got some Gerber snacks, bubbles, and a DVD!

This morning, she also got an outfit and a pink stuffed bunny from Karen and Doug, they watched Gizmo for us yesterday when we were travelling to Chicago. Everyone is so thoughtful!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Couches in Chicago...

We have been really lucky, and fallen into some great furniture deals lately. Earlier this week we received an email from Dusty regarding some furniture a family friend was selling (too difficult to explain how we are linked to this person, and it is her job to sell this furniture, to make a long story short). But anyway, we really liked it and the price was right. So it was delivered to Dusty's condo on Wednesday, and we needed to go pick it up asap, as Dusty's condo isn't the biggest to be storing extra furniture.

Therefore, Saturday afternoon, we took a trip down to Chicago to pick up the couch and loveseat and visit with Dusty and Julie a bit. I was even lucky enough to talk Ed into stopping at the outlet mall in Kenosha on the way down. So we arrived at Dusty's just before 4pm, ordered some pizza for dinner, and then took a short walk for some ice cream before heading home. The day went rather smoothly, Rowan slept on the way to Kenosha, we had lunch and shopped, she slept from Kenosha to Chicago, we had dinner and hung out, got ice cream, and she slept the entire ride home. And still went to bed without a problem, and we even got the couches home in one piece!

Hangin' out with Dad...

It isn't very often you find Rowan laying down unless it is naptime or bedtime, but this morning she was playing on the floor and decided to lounge with her Dad, it was short lived of course, but long enough for a picture!

Also, this picture is terrible, but you can see how long her hair is on the side of her head behind her ears...