Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy 80th Bday Great Gma S.

Saturday afternoon we attended a surprise birthday party for Grandma Simonson at the Swan household.
It was a pretty nice day for a little party. We got to see some family that we haven't seen in awhile. Rowan and Breyson got to play a little bit. And of course there was good food too. We didn't stay for too long since I had to work that night, but we got to visit with everyone.

Look at the look on her face..if looks could kill!

This party sort of validated my suspicion that Rowan has some degree of stranger/separation anxiety. I started to research it after a few nights of Rowan crying excessively for babysitters. There is conflicting information depending on where you read, but essentially I learned that it can develop as early as 3 months, but others said not until 6-9 months, and can continue until 24 months of age. Hopefully it doesn't last that long! Essentially at the party every person that held her other than Ed or I, she cried. And she doesn't tend to just whine, she all out screams, tears and all. She might do okay if Ed or I are right there, but not for very long. The holidays could be interesting.

Where do we go from here? Well, our plan is just to let her warm up when we are around other people. We need to hold her until she warms up, and then attempt to let other people hold her, and stay in her sight. If I am present, I am not going to let her cry, so she will have to learn when I am not around. When we aren't around, and people are babysitting, well, let's just say it might be a rough few hours for the people watching her. Even people she sees on a fairly regular basis (weekly) she cries for. So we will see. Will have to run this one by the pediatrician next week.

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