Sunday, November 9, 2008


Uncle Mitch, Rowan and I went to Ed's hockey game last night. It was hard to tell if it was warmer in the ice rink or outside. But we all survived. Ed's team won, and he had 4 assists. That is the biggest problem I have with hockey, I can't keep up with the puck. So, I had no idea that Ed had any assists, I am lucky to see who scores the goal, not to mention who passed it to them.
Rowan took her first trip into the Men's Locker Room. Dad took her in to show her off. She told me she covered her eyes so she didn't see any man parts! But her snowsuit needed to be washed after Dad held her with his stinky hockey hands!
P.S. What color is her snow suit? A girl at the game had the nerve to ask me if she was a girl or a boy! She was complementing how cute she was, but she had to ask just to be sure, SERIOUSLY! How much girlier could it get!
On a side note, watch out for the deer out there. We came centimeters away from hitting a deer on our way home from the game! One of my biggest fears!

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