Thursday, November 13, 2008

18 Weeks Old...

4 Month Stats:
13 pounds 8 ounces (50th%)
25 1/2 inches long (90th%)

Things we discussed at her appointment:

Eating: Due to the fact that Rowan only eats about the minimum number of ounces a day for her age, we are to not start solids for at least another month, hoping that her intake will increase. Why she isn't eating more, we don't know? The pediatrician posed the idea that maybe she doesn't like the taste of it anymore, so he gave me a sample of Good Start Soy to try. If she starts eating more, great, we will switch from Similac to Good Start, if she doesn't, then we will keep chugging along with Similac.

Stranger/Separation Anxiety: He saw if first hand when he had to do her exam, she got mad and cried, and immediately stopped when he handed her to me. He laughed! He said the hard thing is, when you see it this early, we better be ready to deal with it for a long time. Because it usually peaks at 18 months. He said it could get better when she starts moving around more because she will be preoccupied with trying to get away from us, but it won't go away. And you should NOT force her to stay by other people or to go to other people because that isn't teaching her anything. If anything it will make it worse. Intersting!

Sutures: The pediatrician wants to keep an eye on her head, because her soft spot is almost closed and it really shouldn't be at this age. Her head is growing appropriately at this point and isn't mishapen or anything, just something to watch in the future. We will see what he says at 6 months.

More shots: She got another round of shots today. Wasn't as traumatic as the first round, mom didn't tear up this time. I had to be strong because I was there alone. Ed was at work. But she did fine once she got to go by her Momma!

Those were really the biggest topics we discussed. Otherwise, everything looked fine. She is currently able to roll from her tummy to her back, but not from her back to her tummy. Which I guess rolling from her tummy to her back is more than some babies do at this age. So we are right on track. She puts everything in her mouth, is grabbing for more and more each day. Drools a bunch, don't see any teeth yet, but in the next couple of months they will be coming. She is pretty much wearing 3-6 month clothing, some of it is a little big, can still fit into some 0-3 months stuff, mostly just pants. She is wearing size 2 diapers. She isn't sleeping through the night consistently. Generally eats once during the night and wakes up for a pacifier a couple more times. She takes multiple short naps a day, usually 2 naps between feedings, and has taken a few longer naps, but not consistently.

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Cute new blog pics and background! I love the stick figures! Rowan is so smiley - we enjoyed seeing her this past weekend!