Thursday, November 27, 2008

20 Weeks Old...

Okay, so as you can see, this weeks photo session started out with the Gator gear, in support of Casey and Jake in Gainsville (outfit courtesy of them too!)....things were going pretty well....Rowan was smiling...then eating the outfit.....
then puking...
therefore we had to take a different we removed the clothing, grabbed a different bow....and took a few more photos. I guess she was a bit happier after she puked, she was a bit more smiley for these ones....or perhaps it is just because she loves to be naked!
Excuse the little tush exposed in this one. Someone requested a tush shot after last weeks photos in the Santa hat. Cora you will have to wait for the Santa hat tush shot!

Otherwise, things here are going fine. Busy trying to get our Christmas shopping done early in hopes that we won't over spend. Easier said than done. Nothing really new to report on Rowan. She has been doing a little bit better with the eating concept, she generally finishes a 5 oz. bottle, occassionally 6 oz. but not regularly. I am in no hurry to start rice cereal anyways, we may wait until after the holidays, we don't need the added stress. As far as the stranger anxiety, she seems a bit more tolerable of other people, but not always. She is always looking for mommy or daddy.

1 comment:

Cora said...

That sure is a cute nuddie bootie!