Sunday, November 30, 2008

Green and Gold...

I recall promising more pictures of Rowan in her Packer dress, and since she is very close to outgrowing it, I figured I better get a few more pictures. Not to mention it is looking like the Packers season is coming to an end, therefore the dress will be retired anyway.

Who better to take the photos with that the person that bought her the dress, Great Aunt Karen!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Long lost friends...

Jennie and Crystal came over tonight to visit. I haven't seen either of them since Crystal's wedding over 2 months ago. It is very sad that we can't find the time to get together more often. But it was nice to catch up and know that everyone is doing well.

They couldn't believe how much Rowan has grown. They got to briefly hold her while they were over, after her nap of course, when she is the most smiley and tolerable of others.

Daddy's New Toy...

Ed finally got the train he has been waiting for underneath the Christmas tree. We actually found it at Toys R Us. We were supposed to be shopping for Rowan and Kieran, but the big kid managed to find something to buy. Ed put the train together immediately when we got home. The tree isn't even decorated but we have a train underneath, that is all that matters.

Then when Ed got home from work today, he had to be sure to show Rowan our new train. She was very into it, followed it very intently. Gizmo on the other hand runs the other way when the train is moving!Will share more photos once the tree is decorated, hopefully by the end of the weekend.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

20 Weeks Old...

Okay, so as you can see, this weeks photo session started out with the Gator gear, in support of Casey and Jake in Gainsville (outfit courtesy of them too!)....things were going pretty well....Rowan was smiling...then eating the outfit.....
then puking...
therefore we had to take a different we removed the clothing, grabbed a different bow....and took a few more photos. I guess she was a bit happier after she puked, she was a bit more smiley for these ones....or perhaps it is just because she loves to be naked!
Excuse the little tush exposed in this one. Someone requested a tush shot after last weeks photos in the Santa hat. Cora you will have to wait for the Santa hat tush shot!

Otherwise, things here are going fine. Busy trying to get our Christmas shopping done early in hopes that we won't over spend. Easier said than done. Nothing really new to report on Rowan. She has been doing a little bit better with the eating concept, she generally finishes a 5 oz. bottle, occassionally 6 oz. but not regularly. I am in no hurry to start rice cereal anyways, we may wait until after the holidays, we don't need the added stress. As far as the stranger anxiety, she seems a bit more tolerable of other people, but not always. She is always looking for mommy or daddy.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Ed went for an interview yesterday for an internship for his last semester of school! He was super excited and nervous too I think. He hates starting new jobs (not that he has had a new job in the last 9 years). Not only will he get paid for the internship, but it is also a 3 credit class. He is going to continue working at Menards on the weekends just in case he doesn't get a job out of the internship after graduating.
He will be starting orientation on Monday! Good Luck Honey!!
Notice the new haircut! Ed actually paid for a haircut, he hasn't paid for a haircut since I have known him, I have always cut it. But the last few months he has been letting it grow out, and it got to the point where I was not willing to cut it anymore. It looks cute!

These are just a few other random photos we took in the last couple of days! Can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already! Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

19 Weeks Old...

Well, I guess this week is a bit of a holiday preview...
What better an accessory to a naked baby than a Santa hat! Many more holiday pictures to come between now and Christmas, bows, dresses, you name it!

When Rowan is laying on her tummy, she now gets excited and her legs and arms are moving all over, so it looks like she is flying in some of these pictures. But she sure was having fun. Again, there are a bunch because I couldn't decide. I was going to save one for our Christmas card, but I figure I will have more good ones before then!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy

Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

18 Weeks Old...

4 Month Stats:
13 pounds 8 ounces (50th%)
25 1/2 inches long (90th%)

Things we discussed at her appointment:

Eating: Due to the fact that Rowan only eats about the minimum number of ounces a day for her age, we are to not start solids for at least another month, hoping that her intake will increase. Why she isn't eating more, we don't know? The pediatrician posed the idea that maybe she doesn't like the taste of it anymore, so he gave me a sample of Good Start Soy to try. If she starts eating more, great, we will switch from Similac to Good Start, if she doesn't, then we will keep chugging along with Similac.

Stranger/Separation Anxiety: He saw if first hand when he had to do her exam, she got mad and cried, and immediately stopped when he handed her to me. He laughed! He said the hard thing is, when you see it this early, we better be ready to deal with it for a long time. Because it usually peaks at 18 months. He said it could get better when she starts moving around more because she will be preoccupied with trying to get away from us, but it won't go away. And you should NOT force her to stay by other people or to go to other people because that isn't teaching her anything. If anything it will make it worse. Intersting!

Sutures: The pediatrician wants to keep an eye on her head, because her soft spot is almost closed and it really shouldn't be at this age. Her head is growing appropriately at this point and isn't mishapen or anything, just something to watch in the future. We will see what he says at 6 months.

More shots: She got another round of shots today. Wasn't as traumatic as the first round, mom didn't tear up this time. I had to be strong because I was there alone. Ed was at work. But she did fine once she got to go by her Momma!

Those were really the biggest topics we discussed. Otherwise, everything looked fine. She is currently able to roll from her tummy to her back, but not from her back to her tummy. Which I guess rolling from her tummy to her back is more than some babies do at this age. So we are right on track. She puts everything in her mouth, is grabbing for more and more each day. Drools a bunch, don't see any teeth yet, but in the next couple of months they will be coming. She is pretty much wearing 3-6 month clothing, some of it is a little big, can still fit into some 0-3 months stuff, mostly just pants. She is wearing size 2 diapers. She isn't sleeping through the night consistently. Generally eats once during the night and wakes up for a pacifier a couple more times. She takes multiple short naps a day, usually 2 naps between feedings, and has taken a few longer naps, but not consistently.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sleepy girl...

Rowan fell asleep today while laying on her boppy! We don't use the boppy much, much less her fall asleep on it. I guess she was tired. She is learning to fall asleep on her own a bit better these days, and in different places. Soooo...precious!


Uncle Mitch, Rowan and I went to Ed's hockey game last night. It was hard to tell if it was warmer in the ice rink or outside. But we all survived. Ed's team won, and he had 4 assists. That is the biggest problem I have with hockey, I can't keep up with the puck. So, I had no idea that Ed had any assists, I am lucky to see who scores the goal, not to mention who passed it to them.
Rowan took her first trip into the Men's Locker Room. Dad took her in to show her off. She told me she covered her eyes so she didn't see any man parts! But her snowsuit needed to be washed after Dad held her with his stinky hockey hands!
P.S. What color is her snow suit? A girl at the game had the nerve to ask me if she was a girl or a boy! She was complementing how cute she was, but she had to ask just to be sure, SERIOUSLY! How much girlier could it get!
On a side note, watch out for the deer out there. We came centimeters away from hitting a deer on our way home from the game! One of my biggest fears!

Christmas in November...

Yes, that is correct, our holiday season has already begun. We celebrated our first Christmas of the year on Saturday up at the Bremberger household, with the Bremberger family! We were only able to make a day trip out of it due to our work schedules and hockey. So we departed Saturday morning by 9am and were home by 6pm. It was a busy day, but fun and rather enjoyable!

This was also our first trip as an entire family. Poor neglected Gizmo got to join us for a change. And all went well. The little ones slept pretty much the entire ride there and back.

So here are a few photos of Rowan in her first Christmas dress of the holidays. First means there will be more! I am sure you are all surprised there is no bow to go along, I was hoping with her being in a dress everyone would know she was a girl! Plus, I just didn't find one I liked to go along with it! Don't worry there will be bows this holiday season, it is early!
And with a new dress, comes a new pair of shoes. These are the first pair of shoes I have picked out for her, it was a rather exciting time!
Here is the entire family! First time we have all been together in quite some time. Derek has moved home from Colorado, and Dan was home visiting from Washington!
Rowan opening her first presents of Christmas 2008!

Again, she was quite the Momma's girl. But she did get a few brief moments of playtime not in my arms! (Notice the shrug she had to go along with her dress! This entire outfit was courtesy of Grama Sue!)
Playing with Grandpa Bill!
Well, one family down and many to go! Rowan's 1st Christmas has officially begun! I think we are good until December now though!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

17 Weeks Old...

Still cute as ever...
I will write a bit of an update with her 18 Week photos as she goes to the Pediatrician that day as well for her 4 month check up and vaccines!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

#1 Voter

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy 80th Bday Great Gma S.

Saturday afternoon we attended a surprise birthday party for Grandma Simonson at the Swan household.
It was a pretty nice day for a little party. We got to see some family that we haven't seen in awhile. Rowan and Breyson got to play a little bit. And of course there was good food too. We didn't stay for too long since I had to work that night, but we got to visit with everyone.

Look at the look on her face..if looks could kill!

This party sort of validated my suspicion that Rowan has some degree of stranger/separation anxiety. I started to research it after a few nights of Rowan crying excessively for babysitters. There is conflicting information depending on where you read, but essentially I learned that it can develop as early as 3 months, but others said not until 6-9 months, and can continue until 24 months of age. Hopefully it doesn't last that long! Essentially at the party every person that held her other than Ed or I, she cried. And she doesn't tend to just whine, she all out screams, tears and all. She might do okay if Ed or I are right there, but not for very long. The holidays could be interesting.

Where do we go from here? Well, our plan is just to let her warm up when we are around other people. We need to hold her until she warms up, and then attempt to let other people hold her, and stay in her sight. If I am present, I am not going to let her cry, so she will have to learn when I am not around. When we aren't around, and people are babysitting, well, let's just say it might be a rough few hours for the people watching her. Even people she sees on a fairly regular basis (weekly) she cries for. So we will see. Will have to run this one by the pediatrician next week.