Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodnight Dumbo...

A few reasons for this post....

#1 Rowan slept from 930 pm last night until 630 am this morning!! Another miracle. This was only the second time she has slept through the night, but we take what we can get. She usually only wakes up once during the night around 2 or 3am. But yesterday she ate about every 2 hours during the day and only cat napped here and there. So she was a tired girl.

#2 Rowan has just about outgrown my favorite pair of her pajamas, Dumbo! They have fit her so nicely, and they are cute, but she is getting borderline too long for them. Only a few more nights and they will have to be retired!

#3 Rowan was very happy this morning, and wearing Dumbo, so I had to play with the camera and get some pictures. Even got a few smiling, some talking, and Gizmo managed to get in a few too.

Molly will be proud, I even got most of them on the manual setting!


Lisa said...

Cute pics of your little lady!

WI Smith family said...

I think Giz needs his own personal quilt! I'm sure Rowan doesn't mind sharing. She is SO alert and happy! Nice to see!