Thursday, September 18, 2008

10 Weeks Old...

10 Weeks and growing strong...

...As you can see we have a smiley adorable little girl on our hands, that still doesn't believe in napping, but does pretty darn good at night.

...We stopped giving her Prevacid as of Monday, so far so good.
She loves to lay on her tummy and play for brief periods, but she has started to roll from her stomach to her back, so we have to pad the sides of her favorite toy so she doesn't hit her head. We will try to get a video of her rolling soon.

...She has definitely found her hands, they are in her mouth a lot! She has started drooling, not a sign of teething according to the Pediatrician, at least not this early.

...Her favorite position for falling asleep is the pseudo-breastfeeding hold.

...She is starting to not mind being in the car seat. We have had several successful trips to the mall and other stores where she has been content and awake, not screaming where she needs to be taken out of the car seat and held.

...I guess those are the big things for now, new things happen just about every day. So I am sure I left somethings out, oh well. We'll get them in the next weekly post.

More pictures in the photo album...

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