Sunday, September 21, 2008

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Grulke...

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be a bridesmaid in one of my bestest friends weddings! It was a beautiful, funfilled, busy day. Everything seemed to go very smoothly. Everyone was where they were supposed to be on time, no rings were forgotten, no one tripped down the aisle, etc, etc...
The morning started out at the salon and spa where us ladies had our hair and makeup done. We were there from 8am until noon. A coach bus then picked us up and took us to the church. We had a little extra time to relax at the church before we had to get dressed and ready for the ceremony at 2pm.
The ceremony was short and to the point (perfect for those of us standing in front in heels!). They didn't forget to kiss, and they both made it through with minimal tears (not the rest of us of course). It was very nice.
After the ceremony and pictures at church we took the bus to Garrett and Crystals house for some more pictures, then boarded the bus again to make a stop at a local establishment for a few beverages. Then we headed to the dinner and reception location for a few more pictures and then finally cocktail hour, followed by dinner and dancing.
Here are some pictures of our happy little family...
Rowan attended the ceremony with Ed, and then she spent the evening at Papa Ed and Grama Sue's house. Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie were in town visiting, so she got very spoiled by them all. We picked her up on our way home from the reception. And I survived leaving her for several hours in a row. Doesn't mean it will be any easier the next time!

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Love your hair! You looked so great YOU should have been the bride! Little Rowan was fun...we showed her off to the neighbors and spoiled her the rest of the time! When will you be going out again? :)