Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 Month Check Up and 9 Weeks Old...

We had a rather rough day today, well at least Rowan and I did.

We were at the Pediatrician today for her 2 month check up, this involved the standard weight and measurements, updating the Ped on her changes and progress since our last visit, and the start of the dreaded immunizations. Let's just say, I will have a renewed empathy for parents and babies when I return to work! I give shots to babies all the time at work without even thinking about the concept, but I welled up with tears when Rowan got her shots today. I managed to hide them from the nurse, but not my husband. I never thought I would react that way, perhaps it is still horomones, or just being a mom?
So anyway, here is what we learned at the MD today:

Rowan's Stats:
Weight: 10 pounds 9 1/2 ounces (50th percentile)
Length: 23.75 inches long (90th percentile)
Head: they didn't write it down, but I think it was 38 cm?

We discussed attempting to stop the Prevacid, which I am going to do, but he advised I wait a few days so that we would know if she had issues with the immunizations versus stopping the Prevacid.

We will continue on Similac Isomil (soy) formula until she is 6 months old and go from there as far as weaning to regular formula. I asked him his views on name brand versus generic formula, he said to keep her on what we are using for at least 2 months before trying to change. So we will probably just stick to name brand (so fellow friends and family, keep the coupons and or free samples coming!) We decided to toss the breastmilk I had stored up in the freezer, all that work for nothing!

We discussed her lack of napping during the day. Let's just say when she is 3 months old, it is going to get rough around here! Essentially we will be getting her on a better schedule and using the cry it out method come that time. He gave us many techniques to use to get her to fall asleep on her own, and nap for 1-1 1/2 hours 3 times a day instead of the maybe 30-40 minutes we get here and there currently. Her bedtime will be moving up to between 7 and 8 pm, right now it is anywhere from 9-11pm. Right now she gets up usually once during the night, generally around 4am, yes we had like 4 nights last week that she slept until 6am, but that has come to a halt. When I said it is going to be rough around here that is because not only will I have to let her cry, but I will be going back to work around that time as well. So it should be interesting.

So I think that is the MD visit in a nutshell. Rowan did very well the first couple hours after the visit, she slept while we ran errands, came home and fed her, gave her some Tylenol, took her pictures, she played a bit, took her short nap, and then all hell broke loose. She was absolutely beside herself for at least an hour, nothing made her happy, and it was a cry of pain, soooo.... sad, finally she settled down and fell asleep, I hope this isn't a sign of how our night is going to be!
Here are pictures from this morning and yesterday, don't know how such a sweet baby can be so upset!


WI Smith family said...

Hang in there....remember how far she has come! Each passing day will bring new milestones and I'm sure she will be more content!

Cora said...

Oh yeah, shots totally suck when it is your own baby. I remember crying with Amelia too!

As for her schedule, or lack there of, it will come with time. Remember she's still pretty little yet. It usually seems that right about the time you have to come back to work, they get stuff better figured out.

Are you still swaddling her to sleep/nap? You know I still would be, and that helped us tons.

I'll keep my eye out for soon to be expired Isomil for you :-)

jenna and ryan said...

I really see eddie and a little of bryson in that last photo of miss rowan. Cant wait to meet her!!!