Thursday, October 18, 2007

Women and their Dogs...

Tonight Gizmo had his girlfriends over to play. Koda (Crystal and Garrett's puppy) and Saj (pronounced: Sage, Aaron and Andrea's puppy) came over with their mommy's. It was supposed to be a night for us women to get together and hang out, but it was spent mostly by keeping an eye on the dogs romping around. We did enjoy some Papa Murphy's pizza, in between yelling at one dog or another for not sharing or playing too rough. Turns out Koda has quite the psycho side, and was trying to trample little Saj. Gizmo, being the veteran of the group was rather well behaved and stayed out of the girls way when they were fighting. All in all the dogs got a great work out and played fairly well together, after an hour when they were tired. Only one accident was had in the house, and it was on the tile and it wasn't poop so we were all happy.
Saj felt rather spoiled when we allowed her on the furniture, turns out that isn't allowed in her house. Sorry Aaron. Turns out Andrea and Aaron had an announcement of their own to make, they are expecting a baby next May, Congratulations.

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