Sunday, October 21, 2007

Our Busy Weekend...

This warm weekend in October turned out to be a rather busy one. Ed had to work this weekend and I had off, but we had enough to do to keep me busy. Saturday while Ed was working, I mowed the lawn to try to take care of the leaves, though 12 hours later the yard was full of leaves again. Then I went and did a little browsing at the mall with Sue. Can't call it shopping because neither of us really bought anything. Pretty sad when all I can find is things for Ed. Oh well.

Saturday night my Mom and Bill were in town after the Badger game. So we went to dinner at Butler Inn and out for a couple of drinks. Crystal met us out for a few hours too. We were home pretty early since it was a busy day for most of us.

Then Sunday we had plans for brunch with my Mom's side of the family to celebrate my Grandma and Grandpa's 55th Wedding Anniversary that was this month. We went to Thunderbay Grill and then back to Karen and Dougs for some dessert.
Finally around 2pm Sunday we had time to come home and relax. Our afternoon was full of football and napping. Gizmo was a big fan of the napping. We even got in a couple of walks today with the warm weather. I wish it wouldn't end, but I have a feeling this might have been the last warm weekend of 2007.
There appears to be something wrong with this picture, Gizmo on the couch and me on the floor? He isn't spoiled at all ;-)

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

I think Gizmo needs one of those "child" couches! He does look rather comfortable though....